Theresa M Franks, MD

Theresa M Franks, MD
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(5 Reviews)
Hands down the worst doctor I've ever been to. She should have her medical license revoked. To start off, I showed up for my 2:10pm appointment at 1:33pm to fill out paperwork even though I already filled it out online. The paperwork took me until 2:12pm to complete and had to wait in the waiting room until 2:33pm to have the assistant weigh me and put me in a room. Where I ended up waiting until 2:40-2:45pm for what claims to be a doctor to walk in. When Theresa walked in I asked her how she was and she responded in an irritated voice that she's okay. Then she said give me a minute to pull up your chart. Upon pulling up my chart she started adding after visit notes even though she did not yet begin to conduct any sort of appointment. I immediately informed her that I just moved here from Indiana so that is not my full medical history. She responded by saying it doesn't matter and continued to ignore me while adding after visit notes. She went on to state so you're here for a cyst. I said yes, I went to the ER on Feb 27 and they found a 7.3cm lobulated complex Cyst with low level echos. As I began to explain the other symptoms I was experiencing a long with the cyst such as nausea, fatigue, weight loss, and as I got to the headache part she literally cut me off, irritatedly sighed and said in an aggravated manner that she is a gynaecologist and asked do I know what that is. Very condescending. I said yes and told her all these symptoms are related to the cyst and I am worried about cancer given that my birth mother has ovarian cancer and had to have a hysterectomy at 34. She waved me off and said irritatedly that what you have is a regular simple cyst, it's nothing to worry about. I looked at her shocked and said the ER did an ultrasound and labeled it as complex. She honestly didn't even look at my chart, medical history, or even the reason behind my visit. She was aggravated at this point and said well I can put in a request for you to see a gynecologist oncologist and I said yes please that'd be great. Then she said great and they can take over your care then too, but today I am doing a PAP and putting in a request for an ultrasound. I also asked if she could check my CA125 blood levels and she agreed no because they will be high given your age. Mind you she was doing this all while putting in after visit notes which turned out to be all lies upon reading them. She did not spen 50mins with me or go over different types of cysts. All the notes were lies. She then stated I'm going to examine you and conduct the PAP. She aggressively began to press down on my abdomen to see if she could feel the cyst. Then moved onto the PAP and called in the medical assistant. It began as any other normal PAP, notified me of the fingers and speculum. However, when it came time to do the swabbing I was not given any warning and she forcefully, in an aggravated aggressive manner, shoved and I mean SHOVED, like she was trying to punch a hole through glass, the cotton swab into my cervix. I literally jumped a foot and wailed. She then proceeded to forcefully and quite aggressively wiggle to cotton swab around my cervix like she was trying to get candy out of a pinata. Then she said condescendingly I'm just doing the PAP. I've never in my life had a PAP like that. With most of them you hardly feel a thing, however, this one was a different story. Upon finishing the PAP, she went back to put her fingers in me and press on my stomach. When she did this she pressed as hard as she could all while circulating her hand, digging into my abdomen. I have a 7.3cm cyst, so needless to say this was excruciating and she knew it which is why she did it. Not only was she an incompetent individual (she's not a doctor), she's also hostile, aggressive, and arrogant. She sincerely has no empathy, consideration, or care for the patient. I spent that evening and the entirety of the next day completely bloated and in an insane amount of pain due to the aggressively hostile way Theresa conducted the PAP. Do not go to her, please. Just don't. I sincerely feel violated by her
by Masie S.
April 24, 2023
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by jj
July 27, 2018
I can't believe I waited my time with Dr Frank's she seems cold and miserable rushes through your appointment basically just take your money and move onto the next person. Hard cold personally she someone or something to relax her. Good luck breaking through that ice cold barrier Why are you working in the medical field if you aren't sympathetic to others who see you at least you could act like you care.
by Disappionted person
September 06, 2016
I have been a patient of Dr. Franks for over 13 years. She is attentive and thoughtful and concerned about her patients. She spends a good deal of time, ensuring that your questions are answered. She is a smart and exceptional doctor. I highly recommend her.
by Barbarba Moore
September 10, 2015
Do you think this provider would be willing to pursue advice from other professionals if they run into a snag in your treatment?
by Anonymous
August 21, 2014
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