I was appalled at his lack of professionalism. He chose to joke about my uterus falling during the examination. He suggested that since I was no longer using it, I should put it on e-Bay and see what I could get for it. He chose my body and it's problems as his platform for a sick comedy routine. None of which I found funny. I had been referred to him for a pap test and a mammogram. I have a strong family history for breast cancer. I had found a walnut sized lump in my right breast the 1st week of December 2007. As he pressed on the lump, I told him it hurt. He said that cancer doesn't hurt and that he had been doing this for years and years, and there was nothing there to alarm him, that it was surely not cancer. I had my right breast removed for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on December 28th 2007. After listening to him proclaim for 20 minutes how this was NOT cancer. First strike. I went to a top GYN, Dr. Cho last week and was informed that my uterus WAS NOT falling. It was fine. Strike two. I am writing this so that I migt be able to stop another woman from being misdiagnosed, misled and treated as a joke. I shudder to think of how many women did not get a follow up and died as a result. This man is a disgrace to his profession. I have since been informed that he has resigned from the clinic I went to across the street from Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin, Maryland. I am so pleased to hear this. The only problem is, like the Catholic Priest Scandal, he is going to move on and practice elsewhere. Putting more women's live at risk. I will not stop until this man is dealt with. I will continue to e-mail, write and call, anyone who will listen. To save women who have already been dealt a bad card, who deserve to win the game, from the Larry Kramers of the world. I pray that this gets posted and that it helps. Lisa Waygood Ph.443-513-6252