I used to go to Dr. Tom when I was younger. My mother liked him because he was well known in the town of Danvers. i went to school with his kids. My mother also liked him because he would always call back even if he did so from his own home. He was very friendly and charming so she trusted him. He's a business man, like my dad, maybe he should be selling cars not treating people for serious medical conditions. I could not stand him or his partner, a female, I can't remember her name. First, when it was thought that I might be hypoglycemic, he told my parents that I shouldn't have blood tests done because all I needed to do was make sure I eat enough. He told me that I could eat all the sugar I wanted because hypoglycemia means I have low blood sugar. i was 12 so I believed him. Diabetes runs in my family, and he knew this. He nearly turned me diabetic. Years later, we're finding out that I likely have celiacs disease. If he had done the blood tests he should have done I would have known then and not 15 years later after he sent me to so many stomach specialists that I finally got scared of going to any doctor. Then, they misdiagnosed poison ivy TWICE. The first time they told me it was scabies! I thought it was poison ivy but he insisted it was scabies. As a teen girl you can imagine how terrible I felt thinking there were lice under my skin, and the cream he had me rub all over my body only help to spread the poison ivy. When I went back in and he finally admitted that it was in fact poison ivy, I had to be put on steroids. It was so bad that it scarred my leg. The next year I went in with poison ivy again. He insisted this time that it was a mosquito bite! I became very upset because I again knew that it was poison ivy. Again the rash spread and scarred. I told my mother at this point that I would never return to that office.