STAY AWAY FROM THESE QUACKS !!! Dr Akther KothaM.D. and her daughter Roshan Kotha, M.D. Dr Akther Kotha is the worse M.D that I have ever seen she is Autocratic / Dismissive/ Negligent boarding on Malpractice / Guilty of Medicare & Medi-Cal Fraud / Guilty of Elder Abuse. Dr. Akther Kotha is totally self absorbed. Dr. Akther Kotha is rude and combative SHARP GROSSMONT HOSPITAL& ALVARADO HOSPITAL should revoke Dr Akther Kotha's hospital privileges. Dr Akther Kotha should NOT BE PERMITTED to continue to practice medicine. Dr Akther Kotha M.D. daughter Roshan Kotha, M.D. is just a younger version of he mother.