David Foster, MD

David Foster, MD
Sierra Psych Assoc 1111 High St, #A Auburn, CA 95603
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Consumer Feedback

(15 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
3.5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
3.5 star average for Value
Dr Foster has been treating my adult bipolar disorder for over 20 year. Unlike most psychiatrists, he still is available for extensive conversation about living with a chronic psychiatric condition. I have been completely satisfied with his treatment approach, although not every patient feels that way. I'd suggest a preliminary visit to see if he's a fit for you/your loved one. I swear by him (and, only rarely, at him!).
by Stable for many years xxx.xxx.225.69
October 31, 2017
Cannot believe still in practice after what he tried to do with our son at Charter Hospital Roseville, CA which eventually shut down
by Harvey xxx.xxx.196.97
November 04, 2016
I saw Dr. Foster for many many years, the last time I believe was in 2002. That was only because I moved and also my insurance ran out. He saved my life! If it wasn't for his excellent care and support, I truly don't believe I would be alive today. I was severely damaged mentally and emotionally. He tried everything and never gave up. I am not even sure he knows this. :) But, I am so thank-full, that he helped me. I will never be *whole*, but he helped me accept life. He helped me to feel safe. I still see someone on occasion, but have not healed any further.So thanks Doc for getting me to where I am.
by Des K xxx.xxx.75.142
September 10, 2015
Does this provider always put the customer first?
Absolutely! They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen
Did this provider listen to your input and concerns?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.5.158
July 23, 2013
Did this provider prominently display their diplomas or business license?
Definitely! I saw it as soon as I walked in!
Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
Yes! It was effortless!
Does this psychiatrist offer flexible appointment times?
Absolutely! I never have a problem!
How would you compare this psychiatrist to others in his/her field that you have visited?
There is no comparison!
Did this provider thoroughly explain the risks and benefits of your treatment?
Yes, they made sure I had all the information I needed to make a decision
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.105.203
July 04, 2013
Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
Yes! It was effortless!
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did this psychiatrist have reasonable prices?
Were you able to relax during your appointment?
Yes, I was completely at ease
Did this provider promise services he/she couldn't provide?
Not at all! They exceeded my expectations
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.35.99
May 17, 2013
Does this psychiatrist give unbiased advice?
Did this provider seem up-to-date with the current advancements in their field?
Did this provider ever postpone your appointment?
No, they never postpone my appointment
Did the staff make you feel uncomfortable when you called with questions or concerns?
No, they didn't make me feel uncomfortable
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Absolutely, It is the safest neighborhood around
by SF xxx.xxx.126.191
December 15, 2012
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.60.246
July 17, 2012
Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
Absolutely! I never have a problem!
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
by Anonymous
February 27, 2012
Was this psychiatrist's office clean?
It could have used some cleaning
Did you feel safe in this psychiatrist's care?
Was this psychiatrist's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
How would you compare this psychiatrist to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Among the best I have seen
Does this psychiatrist promptly return your phone calls?
Not really. I usually have to wait a long time
by Anonymous
September 29, 2011
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