William Smith, MD

William Smith, MD
714 Cameron Woods Dr Angola, IN 46703
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Consumer Feedback

(30 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Staff
4 star average for Recommended
3.5 star average for Value
Did you think that this provider was thorough with you during your appointment?
Did your provider ask holistic type questions and comment about aspects of care that might affect you outside of their specialty?
I was impressed that this provider took notice of areas outside of their specialty that might help me.
Did this provider seem well-trained and experienced?
Does this OBGYN use current looking instruments and equipment?
Does this provider return your phone calls?
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.58.113
August 22, 2014
Stay far, far away from this man please. Most of the positive reviews on this site are obvious spam. Check other review sites for a real opinion about this doctor. This guy should not be able to practice medicine. He moved across country from California to a very rural area for some reason and it seems suspicious.

There are many other, better choices in the area. Dr. Smith should be a doctor of last resort only. It's your pregnancy, please make a serious and informed decision about your doctor.
by Akon123 xxx.xxx.105.109
February 24, 2014
Would you recommend this OBGYN to others?
Does the OBGYN's staff maintain a professional appearance?
When prescribing prescriptions, did the OBGYN choose an Rx for you based on your input and specific profile?
Was the restroom conveniently located in this OBGYN's office?
Does this OBGYN use current looking instruments and equipment?
by CaroleP xxx.xxx.31.230
February 21, 2014
I would never have this provider deliver another one of my children. I had a horrific delivery and am just thankful that I was able to have another child. He was degrading about weight gain during my pregnancy and did not provide good post partum care.
by Knel xxx.xxx.135.27
October 17, 2013
Did this provider's staff seem to respect him/her?
Definitely! They staff spoke very highly of him/her
Did this OBGYN pressure you to use certain birth controls or medications?
Yes! They were very forceful.
Was there annoying music playing while you waited or during your visit?
Yes, it was downright irritating!
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Somewhat, they eventually called me back
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.123.36
September 19, 2013
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
Does this provider welcome questions?
Absolutely! They are happy to answer all of my questions
Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Absolutely! They aren't arrogant at all and are more than willing to pursue advice when necessary
Was this provider sympathetic to your situation?
Yes! They went above and beyond to make me feel special and respected
Would you recommend this OBGYN to others?
I Already Have
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.16.10
July 02, 2013
Does this provider treat every client equally?
Definitely, they make everyone feel equally respected and cared for
Does this provider maintain a professional appearance?
Absolutely! You can tell that he/she really makes an effort to look professional
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Absolutely! It couldn't have been easier!
Does this provider offer any coupons, discounts or promotions?
Yes, they always have specials going on
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Absolutely! I can always count on them
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.113.175
May 13, 2013
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Yes, they were well-stocked
Does this provider have a good professional reputation within your community?
Yes, they are known for being good at what they do
Did they follow up with you after your appointment?
Did this provider seem irritated to be working with you?
Not at all, they were glad to help me with anything I needed
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.197.126
February 05, 2013
Is this provider's business conveniently located?
Sort of, but its pretty far away from everything
Was the waiting area spacious?
No, but I can always find a seat
Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
Somewhat, but it's still difficult to get an appointment
Does this provider remember you and your circumstances at every appointment?
Not really. I usually have to remind them.
Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
I had to wait for a little while.
by Anonymous xxx.xxx.121.29
January 09, 2013
Dr.Smith simply goes through the motions. I highly encourage you to go to another doctor. I would never go back to him again.
by Serious xxx.xxx.0.214
September 13, 2012
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