Dr. Michelson (Bob) is an excellent dentist, including an expert in cosmetic dentistry. He wants to help people have great teeth. He is honest and kind. Bob was my dentist for 5 years before I moved to CA. In CA, a co-worker recommended an expensive dentist in Newport Beach, CA. This female dentist said I needed a root canal and deep cleaning. This would cost a few thousand dollars (in 1993). I was surprised, I called Bob. Bob said, "Linda, I just saw your teeth 6 months ago. You don't need a root cananl or deep cleaning. Get a different dentist." I did. Due to a fall while visiting family last week, I called Bob to look at my jaw (rather than go to the emergency room). He fit me in. Bob said my bite is misaligned and I need an oral surgeon. Then he gave me some brushing tips. We caight up on the past 30 years. Very fun. I told him that 30 years later, I still never had a root canal nor a deep cleaning. He said my teeth still look great. Thanks for helping me out Bob, 30 years ago and last week!