Thomas Kearns, DDS

Thomas Kearns, DDS
Associated Dental Arts of Oswego 327 W Seneca St Oswego, NY 13126
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(3 Reviews)
4.5 star average for Service
5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
4 star average for Staff
I would like to give a very honest review of Associated Dental Arts and specifically Dr Kearns. I noticed there was only one review and that was by Linda and it was a very positive review. My personal experience is a bit different on Dr. Kearns.
Now, let me start off by saying Dr. Kearns does seem like a very nice person. I think it's great that he donates his time to making mouth guards for hockey players and I also think it's great that he spends his free time honing is craft to become the best dentist on Earth. However, what I don't agree on are his decision making abilities...
I went to Dr. Kearns a few months ago to have a tooth pulled and to my surprise, he did not want to pull it and in fact said he would not. It was a back bottom right side tooth and although I didn't necessarily want to get rid of the tooth, I also didn't want to keep dealing with the pain or, if I'm being honest, want to spend the extreme amount of money getting a root canal and/or fake tooth. Dr Kearns insisted on fixing it. So, I conceited. Now, here is where my first problem lies. I told him I had anxiety issues with the dentist and didn't really feel very comfortable having a dental dam put over my face as it felt restricting to me and I didn't like it. He said I had to trust him and that I just needed to breathe and not get myself worked up and it would be fine. Trusting this would help, I tried this and went through the procedure but honestly felt I was going to die the entire time when the dental dam was over my face. I did manage to get through with it though and I was quite happy I was out of pain and felt much better..
So, what's the problem? Seems everything is perfect about this dentist, right? Wrong. I went back today and this is where my attitude changed. This time I had a problem with a different tooth on the other side, this time on the bottom left in back. I had broke the tooth eating something a few days ago and the tooth was in bad shape. I'm in a world of pain and I can tell I need an antibiotic and I just want the tooth gone. I'll deal with getting partials or whatever else later. I called and said I needed it looked at and wanted an antibiotic and to get it pulled and I was able to get in the same day. I get there, get in the dentist chair and the Dr asks what the problem is. I tell him I need him to look at it and I think I need an antibiotic. So, he proceeds to lean me back and decides to start numbing me up without even asking me first if I wanted a procedure done on it that didn't include pulling it. I started panicking, partly because I have anxiety, but also because I didn't expect this to even be happening and was caught off guard. I tell him to stop and I don't want this so he does and gets some upset, saying I NEED to have this tooth worked on and not pulled and says I'll be alright and to just breathe, having complete disregard for how serious anxiety is, and talks me into having it done again. So, he leans me back again and I start to think about the dental dam making me feel claustrophobic and the novacaine making my mouth dry and feeling like I can't swallow and my heart starts pounding and as he's putting in more novacaine I say I can't do it. This time he gets really upset. I'm embarrassed already that I can't go through with the procedure and he's here yelling at me. I'm a 36 year old man and I'm feeling like a child being yelled a by a parent. He said I was wasting his time and this young lady's (the assistant) time and he can't risk him or her being hurt with the needle and that I need to get over this problem before he'll work on me. He goes on to say if I don't get it pulled, it could kill me. Yet, he says he will NOT pull it and I can go to a surgeon if I want that done. My thinking is "are you kidding me? I could die from this tooth yet the thing I want done most, having it pulled, you won't do?" So basically in my thinking, he's willing to let me die because he doesn't want me to lose a tooth. Now, I appreciate he wants me to have all of my teeth and that it could start a downward spiral with the rest of my teeth. But you're telling me the tooth could kill me and you won't pull it to keep that from potentially happening? He did say he would refer me to someone who could pull it, but two things come to mind. First, does he not know how to pull a tooth or just doesn't like doing it for some moral reason? And also, if I could die, that means that I could die before I even get it pulled by this other person.
I was very upset and although he set me up with a return visit 2 weeks from now, I will not be returning again! This dentist is far too pushy and does not care about what you want. He makes all the decisions for you and your mouth. He did seem sympathetic at first to my anxiety issues and seemed like a nice guy at first, but upon further visits, his true colors shine through. I would NEVER go to this dentist again!!
by j.c.
October 28, 2014
Does this provider leave you on hold for a long time when you call?
Never! I don't think I've ever been put on hold here for a long time
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
Was there annoying music playing while you waited or during your visit?
No, if they had music on it was very soothing
Is this provider easy to reach in an emergency?
Absolutely! I can always count on them
by Linda Knowles
December 09, 2013
Let me just say that the chairs in their waiting room are extremely comfortable. I almost fell asleep waiting for the dentist- thats how relaxed I was. Not only are they recommended by other dentists, other dentists are always calling asking for advice. I know that I'm under the care of an expert. I've been places before where they were argumentative and angry, so I was nervous that I would encounter that here as well. Instead, they were very calm and understanding the entire time. I could tell they really care about everyone who visits them. Although I was hoping to be able to watch my favorite show during my dental procedure, they had plenty of magazines for me to look through. My procedure flew by because I had something to distract me the entire time.
by Hart Davidow
April 25, 2011
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