Burg Pediatric Dentistry

Burg Pediatric Dentistry
Burg Pediatric Dentistry 1030 East 11400 South # 101 Sandy, UT 84094
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(1 Review)
Don't be fooled by this quack's awesome superhero ads– you'll need a superhero to save you from the amount of crookedness that goes on with Dr. Burg. There were three major problems with this slick little operation that he has running. First of all, he will take you for all he can get– our four-year-old's "plan" looked like instructions on how to replace the human jaw piece by piece. An honest dentist will tell you when you have a cavity that isn't necessarily bad enough to merit attention– yet Dr. Burg wanted to drill and fill every single thing he could get away with, and no minor cavities were even brought up. The second problem was perhaps not without an upside, and that is that Dr. Burg does not do his own work. He sends you off to a Surgical Center on the west side to have the actual work done. That's right, I said Surgical Center. Which leads to the third, and most uproarious problem with his business practices. Nowhere in his colorful ads does he tell you that in order to use his services you will be required to put your kid under surgical anesthesia. Even for a basic cavity, which was as bad as our son's issues supposedly were (although at this point I'd have to get a second opinion to know if he even has any), you will have to sign a waiver protecting them in case your kid dies while having a cavity fixed. And you should see the waiver they use too, it tries as much as possible to muddle the fact that anesthesia can, in fact, kill you. Now I'm not ignorant, I've had surgeries, and have seen and been in situations where anesthesia makes sense– but to fill a cavity? The potential risks of anesthesia far outweigh the risks of a kid biting a drill or something negligible like that. I couldn't consider myself a good parent and unnecessarily place my son in a life threatening situation– however remote– for a filling. The simple fact is that anesthesia is far from the only option– unless you work with Burg. The rising trend of using anesthesia to drill kids cavities is gross irresponsibility and recklessness, and I'm sure that it's no coincidence that it costs more as well. And beyond that, do the math– the anesthesia is basically there to make it so that they don't have to try as hard with kids, and yet this dangerous abuse of anesthesia is mandatory here. Do yourself a favor and leave Dr. Burg alone in whatever world of justification and lunacy he's in. Or better yet, I feel like getting people to call and make several appointments each to fill up their schedule, and then not show up– I'm not usually this mean, but this dangerous bait-and-switch operation needs a taste of it's own anesthesia.
by Superjon
July 06, 2010
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