Lori Cherup, MD

Lori Cherup, MD
Lori Cherup Ctr 701 Boyce Rd Bridgeville, PA 15017
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(3 Reviews)
My mother is battling a disease that scars and mars her, not only physically but psychologically. The stress and the uncertainty of her future weighs on her every day. Should not a disease sufferer walk into a physician's office and feel BETTER? Should not a woman speak to another with compassion and understanding, even outside of the medical sector? Instead, this physician was brash and offensive in addition to refusing her treatment. As a medical student, I understand there are many times when a physician must refuse- and typically, those refusals would be accompanied by sympathy and apology. Instead, my mother was essentially told her previous surgeon had done a horrible job- mind you, this surgery was on her FACE. Now, as a plastic surgeon, one could assume that she understands body insecurity. What on God's green earth could compel you to tell a sick woman that her face looks awful??? As a result of treating her illness??? Additionally, my mother left feeling very much like Dr. Cherup would not take her case because it was not cosmetic, and subsequently, she would see significantly less money. This deduction was made in one visit and made by an honest, perceptive woman with NO medical background. If one can perceive this business-like attitude, but it is not the case that she is greedy, it is my guess that she needs a significant attitude adjustment so her patients don't walk away feeling both offended and robbed.

As I write this, I'm imagining the snarky, back-handed response I might receive, much as others complainants have (on other review sites). My simple response will be: First, DO NO HARM. Not physically, not psychologically, not emotionally. I am ever-so familiar with unruly and unrealistic patients. I am fully aware that doctors are not deities and cannot perform wonders. However, the one thing you CAN control as a physician is how you treat your patient at the bedside.

Saying "I'm surprised you're not dead!" provides a whole different experience than "You must be one tough cookie to have endured all of this and show up to my office with a smile!" or "What incredible perseverance, you really are something!" or "Girl, you must have an influential angel up there! You're just amazing!"

I can only hope that she soon remembers why she became a physician- to help, to inspire hope, and to heal. Though I do not wish it, perhaps one day, someone she loves will fall terribly ill and she will understand how much love and compassion they and their family require to get by.
by Devastated Daughter xxx.xxx.52.74
October 02, 2014
I've never seen anyone who is more respected by their staff. The entire staff only had great things to say about working there, and it made me want to return all the more. I don't think I have ever been put on hold here for a long time and am so impressed with how quickly all of my questions are answered. There's nothing worse than having to wait on hold for a half an hour just to get someone to talk to you THIS SITE MUST BE BOGUS - ALL THE DEMOGRAPHIC INFO ON DR. CHERUP IS ABSOLUTLEY WRONG INCLUDING PHONE NUMBERS, EDUCATION. TAKE DOWN YOUR BOGUS SITE.
by Liv xxx.xxx.32.245
December 09, 2012
Let me preface this review by saying that the office staff was excellent.

Recently I was talking to someone about my horrible experience with a plastic surgeon. I don't like to mention the doctor's name up front when I (rarely) talk about my pain and loss. I don't mention the name because I don't like talking about it in the first place. There is too much pain connected with it. I don't like to even think about that time in my life.

The person that I was talking to said that they also had a terrible experience with a plastic surgeon and we lamented a minute about it. We both paused and asked the other "who was it?".
It was Lori Cherup.

I lost a breast to her and will never, ever be the same.
The person that I was talking to had a botched hand/wrist surgery.
I know another person that was burned on her face and neck during a hair removal session.

Find another doctor. There are plenty of others out there.
DO YOUR RESEARCH. Do not go with someone just because your insurance covers them. Do not choose a doctor until you have had SEVERAL long visits with them. Do not go to this surgeon. There are many others out there.

I know that she has a lot of spectacular reviews and for the life of me I don't know how.
I guess those of us that didn't have a good experience just don't speak up enough.
I'm speaking up.
by Anonymous
November 06, 2009
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