Hornell Gardens

Hornell Gardens
Hornell Gardens 434 Monroe Ave Hornell, NY 14843
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(1 Review)
my name is Ellie Koch and I live in San Diego, CA. I have an elderly aunt staying at Hornell Gardens. She has only been there since Nov. of 2010. I just want someone to be aware of the kind of care the patients receive there because we are very concerned about our aunt. She is being charged $9,100.00 a month to stay there. She shares her room with another lady. When she rings her bell to ask for help to get to the bathroom (she can't walk by herself) she is left sitting there so long that she has an accident. When we asked the nurse on duty about this she said they have a 'potty schedule' and it wasn't her turn to go. A friend found her unresponsive and had her sent to the hospital where they found her lungs had filled with fluid (this has happened before). My problem with this is that Hornell Gardens said she had been unresponsive for four days! Yet no one thought to send her to the hospital. Most recently my cousin in VA called Aunt Ginny and Aunt Ginny couldn't talk because she was having so much trouble breathing. My cousin called the desk and asked that she be sent sent to the hospital right away. Our friend went with her and found one side of her oxygen tube to be blocked. SHE fixed it and Aunt Ginny was discharged. We just don't feel that our aunt is getting very good care especially for that amount of money. I would like this to be considered a charge of neglect.
by EllieKoch
February 04, 2011
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