Tandem Health Care of North Fort Myers

Tandem Health Care of North Fort Myers
Tandem Health Care of North Fort Myers 991 Pondella Rd North Fort Myers, FL 33903
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(1 Review)
Another name for The Consulate of North Ft. Myers

If I could make my review negative 20 stars, I would. This 100% completely honest and true review will have to suffice.

People - RUN do not walk away from this filthy disgusting place. I obtained MRSA here. ANY positive review you may find is untrue, manipulated or just plain out and out lies.

Please read below:

First, this is 100% the God's honest truth (I wouldn’t believe it myself if it hadn’t happened to me!)

I was in this nightmare of a place from August 9, 2014 until Sept. 26th of 2014. My sister arranged it somehow from Michigan, had she seen it, there is absolutely no way she would have had me stay there.

When I reached the absolute limit of how much I could take, my doctors said I had to stay another month. I was told that they would not release me and that if I insisted on leaving I would have to do it AMA, That, however, meant my outpatient doctors would not see me. Therefore, I was forced into causing such a loud, continual, unhappy, ruckus the Doctor finally signed me out and I continued my therapy at home for the next 3 months. I received physical therapy, fine motor skills therapy, speech therapy, balancing and gait therapy.

The physical therapists here were nice but they had me doing things that appeared to have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my foot. The food was surprisingly good. Until I got sick and started to throw up. Everything else was so horrible I can hardly put it into words.

It was dirty. Very, very dirty. There was never any toilet paper. The toilets in the rooms were always disgusting and dirty. The roaches and spiders were always there. The attendants wore dirty uniforms (and I mean yellowing, dirty), I never once - not one single time, EVER - saw a nurse/attendant/medication nurse or doctor - wash their hands.

You'd go into the bathroom at night and open the door and 5 or 6 roaches would be scurrying around. I reported every day and watched them write the incidents down on the pink pages in the bug book - only to discover the pages had been removed when I wanted to make a copy. Interesting.

Far and away the worst thing about Consulate was the shower procedure and their general lack of cleanliness. They had the shower set up with one chair between a curtain. Then people – naked, uncovered people - would line up for their turn. Every person had to sit on this chair in turn - no towel, just their naked rear end directly on the chair, where countless other naked people had just sat without a towel.

It was gross, filthy, revolting, made me sick to my stomach AND I have no doubt whatsoever that Consulate is the health care facility that allowed staph/possibly MRSA bacteria (invisible or not invisible!) to colonize on my body, on my skin, and when I received a cut two months later at a local pharmacy, allowed the transmission of the staph most likely obtained at this disgusting, filthy facility to enter my body two days after the cut.

I have been sick every day since November 23, 2014, two days after the cut, and two months after being released from Consulate. I have to go outside or anywhere near other people completely wrapped up like a mummy. People look at me like I have some dread disease.

I have gone through countless biopsies, cultures, Dr. visits, prescriptions, hundreds of dollars in over the counter medical related items - I have multiple permanent scarring on both arms, left shoulder and neck, which the plastic surgeon has said that only the small ones will be removable.

On Monday 8/31/15, I begin treatment with wound care and then after that, I’m told I may even need skin grafts. So this experience just keeps going on. And yes, I have every intention of suing them.

Do NOT, under any circumstances, if you have any choice whatsoever, go to this place! I have even addressed this issue in my Advanced Directive and made my wishes known to my family – before you put me back into The Consulate, just let me die…

UPDATE: July 25, 2016

I am still very, very sick from these infections. I have had 9 hospital admissions. I have a positive MRSA culture. I realize that it's a great big world but as I was completely homebound until the day I got the cut at the pharmacy letting this Consulate obtained MRSA bacteria into my body, the only place conceivable, given the filth, the dirt, the bugs (makes me quiver just thinking about the bugs there), everything listed above, as I hadn't been to a third world country lately, this is the only logical place to get it. I am in the process of settling this matter with the pharmacy. Next I plan on filing suit again this place. My lawyer already has the complaint drafted.

The worst thing though is that this has completely ruined my life. My retirement savings are 100% gone from the medical I have spent (and I have Medicare!) I am financially ruined. After 30 years as a professional woman living a normal upper class life, I am now literally and I mean literally facing homelessness. All because this infection was allowed on to my skin and then entered through the cut.

I won't rest until The Consulate has recompensed me for this. All I can tell you is, please don't put yourself in my position. It's been almost 2 years of living hell. When I say RUN from this place, I mean RUN. Don't let their sweet smiles and suits fool you. Read other reviews if you don't believe me.

Please, save yourself.....

by irishkate xxx.xxx.42.122
July 26, 2016
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