My husband and son went to this barber shop this afternoon to get a haircut. As with most places on post we took a number and had a seat to wait for our turn. There were exactly 4 people in front of us and when we looked at the number counter it was obvious they were not using the number system (we were numbers 21 & 22, the counter was on 1). After the four people that were in front of us obtained their haircuts my husband started to get up for his turn and a Warrant Officer who just walked in the door jumped up and sat down in the barber seat. At this point we were both irritated and lunch hour was over so we left. DH went back in to see who the manager was and it was the barber who allowed the WO to "cut" line. Needless to say, we will not go back. Complete BS for a soldier to use his rank to break line.