Dekalb Animal Hospital

Dekalb Animal Hospital
Dekalb Animal Hospital Fort Payne, AL 35967
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(2 Reviews)
Extremely ignorant group of people. My kitten was under their care for almost a month with rectal prolapse. His bottom was essentially stitched nearly closed to keep it from popping out again. This was called a purse string suture. The stitches were to remain in for at LEAST 2 weeks. He wasn't going to the bathroom on his own because they didn't recommend changing his diet to soft food. I'm no doctor but that seems to be 101!!! Amazing how much they have NOT cared! They suggested keeping him on his DRY kitten food! Which he was unable to pass on his own. They were having to "express" him several times a day because he would get backed up in the anal area. The repeated and highly avoidable bulge of backed up feces and repeated expressing... strained the sutured area and further irritated it and caused unnecessary swelling and trama. Other vets have since told me they have NEVER even heard of this type care or lack there of after a prolapse surgery. The newest vet even called around to other colleagues and none had heard of this either. The kitten should have been passing on its own from day one! The stitch was removed early (without my knowledge or approval) BECAUSE of the repeated need for expressing (again due to ignorance of using bone dry food) and of course he reprolapsed. A second surgery was done because he ignored my visit and phone call that it was slowly reprolapsing. He waited to address the growing issue until he said all that could be done was a second surgery. the second surgery stitch was basically immediately removed AGAINST my wishes! I requested to be notified if they removed it due to the first issue from an early stitch removal. They assured me I would be but they flat out lied to me! I had left him for several days after the surgery SOLEY so he could be expressed, yet little did I know he was going on his own because they removed the stitch. I went to check on him and his bottom OF COURSE was prolapsed again. When I addressed this with the vet I was told to just keep an eye on it. NEGLECTFUL!! The new vet says the many failed attempts makes it highly likely it will forever be an unfixable and ongoing issue. They also were not soaking his wet food per my request. His dish, when I arrived out of the blue, was filled with bone dry food, he was stitchless! They were just indefinitely going to take my money had I not shown up I suppose. The second surgery was a complete waste of my money. And unless Jesus heals my cat im looking at having to euthanize him because of their neglect and incompetence. Super sad situation. They wouldn't have done this if it hadve been THERE children's baby!!!! I wIll never rest letting everyone I ever run into, know what damage they have unappologetically caused my kitten and my family and wallet!
by Hazil
April 08, 2015
They did a great job grooming my animal.
by Anonymous
December 07, 2011
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