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Wanna know how to make millions in this economy? Buy cheap canvas arm slings in a foreign country and sell to a captive, disoriented and disabled audience in the emergency room for a 6000% mark up.

Normally, this sort of practice is called "price gouging", according to Wikipedia and a host of other sources. Other words that might qualify are "profiteering", "racket" and "ambulance chasing", you be the judge... Dura Medic llc is apparently making anywhere from "$2.5 to 5 million" a year according to Manta.com while only employing a skeleton crew of 5-9 employees, including the owner David Bryant. Their "success" comes from providing medical supplies in emergency room settings and billing separately from the hospital 30 days after you've been released from the ER. They don't put price tags on their goods so accident victims who are in a super vulnerable state and often disoriented have NO idea they're going to get "raped" by the bill later. At that point, accident victims have no choice but to pay the bill, which is in the ballpark of 700% more than the actual retail price for the item.

You tell me: is this an ethical practice? Or is this akin to selling earthquake victims a gallon of water for $50. Accident victims in the ER are not counseled about having options to the sling (or other item) the nurse literally puts on them without asking, there is no price tag and it's being supplied under the auspices of benevolence and "care".

Yeah, David Bryant seems like a genius. Look how much money his company makes off of unsuspecting accident victims in a captive environment. Unfortunately for him, with the net such an integral part of our lives, this price gouging racket is easily exposed by a quick Google search for "arm sling."

My complaint call to Dura Medic was met with the answer "this is what Medicare allows." Great. Not only are YOU getting "raped" with the price gouging that Dura Medic engages in, so is our bankrupt government by paying $60 for a $7 canvas sling. And guess who's laughing all the way to the bank... that David guy.
by Anonymous
July 01, 2010
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