City Of Angels Veterinary Specialty Center

City Of Angels Veterinary Specialty Center
City Of Angels Veterinary Specialty Center 9599 Jefferson Boulevard Culver City, CA 90232
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(4 Reviews)
extraoridinary care, compassionate professionals. wonderful when you are worried about an ill pet.
by JRSmith
June 09, 2022
Unbelievable!!! Dr. Turner is the worst doctor and most despicable human being I've ever met - she should be FIRED! I hope she never has to deal with a doctor like herself in the worst time of need. A condescending, entitled, unethical, disgusting excuse of a human being with a GIANT chip on her shoulder!!! In our worst time of need, after 2 months of treatment with different oncologists and $17,000 we came to work with Dr. Rosenberg, which we really loved. Two days after we changed our dogs entire protocol and medicine because of Dr. Rosenbergs request, our baby had a nose bleed. Unfortuanetly our doctor (Dr. Rosensberg) went on vacation. His red blood count had dropped drastically, We were told he wouldn't make it through the night and had to make an appointment with this horrible Dr. Turner. We had questions that needed answers, we did not expect for our sitution to become so dire, and she treated us like we were children, and because we asked at Dr. Rosenbergs request, to keep her in the loop, Dr. Turner took offense and said that she is a capable doctor and felt that we didn't respect her opinion, when all we asked was to keep our pets new oncologist in the loop and let her know that the new chemo protocol caused serious problems. She was condescending and completely asinine! She actually said that we are now cutting into her time off, because it was after closing time, while our baby was dying on the floor.

Needless to say, we took our baby over to the emergency to get a blood transfusion, another thousand dollars and waited until 4:30 in the morning to take him home. To our surprise, we got a call from the hospital from MRS.MARLOW, the office manager to tell us that they will NO LONGER BE TREATING OUR BABY and to look for a new oncologist. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR PATIENTS! ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE SO VULNURABLE AND AFTER SPENDING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO SAVE THEIR PETS! Absolutely disgusting! Do yourselves a favor, and go somewhere else. These are trying times and the right supportive team will make all the difference.

I heard so many great things about City of Angels and left (turned away) at the lowest point of my life. If you decide to go there, do yourself a favor and stay as far away from DR. TURNER!!!!
by hurt and upset
July 28, 2016
This so called specialty hospital not only misdiagnosed my dog, Clooney, but they gave him the wrong medicine that destroyed his immune system and then would not return my phone calls. Clooney died after 14 days at UC Davis where they did their best to save his life. I sued them for claiming their vet was a board certified specialist when he was not, negligence and several other things. Needless to say City of Angels (so-called) Veterinary Specialty Center settled out of court for an amount I can not disclose. But my dog is still dead and they are still open, killing other pets. Be very aware and research any vet before taking your pet there! It could save their life! before
by Betty Dews
August 20, 2013
Was this provider willing to stay open late to accomodate your needs?
Definitely! They would never turn away anyone in need
by Anonymous
August 06, 2011
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