The 30 second version - complete arrogance, no communication, ignores client concerns, staff has no idea what they are doing. I just lost a beautiful seven year old Siamese last Friday and I know this so called compassionate vet had much to do with it. And on top of it, he tried to talk me into spending another $1,000 on a pointless test before I stormed out back in March. Bottom line - if you value your pets and your purse, RUN AWAY. Longer version follows if you are interested.
This is the partial text of a letter I wrote to Dr. Bartlett today:
Crowley died last Friday from kidney failure. I cannot squarely pin his death on you - not exactly. Having said that, I will tell you what shattered our trust. First, when I brought him in for his checkup in February, you pronounced him the picture of health. The fact that he had lost weight never seemed to concern you despite the fact I brought it up. You didn’t suggest we run any lab work to check why. We talked about getting his bad tooth removed; I expressed deep concerns about putting him under anesthesia because of the sensitivity of Oriental breeds. You led me to believe there were no underlying health problems, so I scheduled the surgery.
In March, I brought him in for the surgery. Later that evening when you told me you had discovered CRF, I was absolutely outraged. Not outraged that you had missed it a month before, but because when you discovered it in pre-op blood work, you STILL went ahead and put him under without ever consulting me. Would I have gone ahead with the surgery anyway, knowing he had a bad tooth? I’m not sure. Hindsight is always 20/20, but it would have been nice to at least have been consulted! The fact that you knew he had a problem and still put him under despite my expressions of concern on more than one occasion was inexcusable in my eyes. I am certain it had much to do with hastening his demise.
And then to put the absolute nail in the coffin of my trust and faith, when I brought him back for a checkup a week later you wanted to put him BACK under anesthesia again and do a thousand dollar biopsy. How could you even think about putting a cat who was just under anesthesia, diagnosed with CRF and in a weakened state back under in such a short amount of time, or ever? I was so angry when I left your practice the last time I could barely speak to anyone. You’re lucky I paid my last bill.
I think you are a fine surgeon. Petey’s hip is a testament to your skill. But your listening skills, and ability to take the concerns (in this case, highly legitimate concerns) of your clients into consideration leaves much to be desired. I don’t know what caused Crowley’s kidneys to start to fail; we’ll never know. I know once CRF starts, it can’t be reversed. However, it can be sped up and I believe that is exactly what happened when he was put under anesthesia in March. Partly I blame myself -- If I had listened to my gut and found another vet when Dr. Frey retired, perhaps I would still have him for a little longer.