I financially helped my mother purchase a condo at The Fountains a number of years ago. She signed a contract for the unit which states half the purchase price will be reimbursed when the unit is sold or rented to another tenant. It has been over 3 years since my mother moved out. She died in October of last year. Her unit is still vacant and in the condition it was the day she moved out. It is unpainted, the carpet needs cleaning and there are nail holes in the walls. It looks terrible. I can't imagine it appealing to anyone looking for a new home. Meanwhile I am still waiting to recover over $50,000 The Fountains owes us. They have been through several managers in that time. I have made a consistent effort with each of them trying to recoup the money we are owed. Like its predecessors, the current management is courteous but uncooperative. Please do not buy in to this organization. You will probably never see your money again. Remember, a corporation will outlive us all.