Merriam House

Merriam House
Merriam House 131 Main Street Newton, NJ 07860
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(1 Review)
I found the place to be a habitat for danger. With amount of people over 55 I would not place anyone there. The place is an old Victorian Home with No handy cap assemble ramps in or out of the building. I saw no sign of a defibrillator any where with the facilities. I saw no other ethnic groups of staff other what appears to be illegals. The place near the kitchen smells of urine. not a pleasant smell when you are eating your meal. The food I observed was not at all healthy. I way too many carbs for one meal it would make me into a diabetic. I observed the can which the raviolis came out of and I saw mold on a residents slice of bread. The residence is are allowed to smoke on the back porch. Which is a violation in all public buildings including restaurants. None of the residence had any way of communicating with staff, such as medical relief pendant or a phone or call bell in their rooms. I see the rooms are no bigger then 10x 10 and have two people in each room. Which in a assistant living must not share a bed room with anyone other then a spouse. No more then 2 people to share a bathroom. There for in this Facility they at least 10 plus staff and general public use one bathroom. When entering the bathroom there I saw no call button like the ones in the hospital or nursing home. I noticed the windows in the bathroom are large and had been nailed shut. I observed Exit signs but no fire department approved locations signs. I saw many residence who were cane or walker ass. In which the loose carpets buy each door into the establishment per posed a danger of falling or tripping. Some of the residence who are there are not happy, and look depressed. I did see a lot of them in their beds during the day, these people need more then sleep. I saw one person who was not the a certified RN or Med tec pour meds and give them to the residence. I notice only one expired nursing license on the wall which was signed to one Fay. I asked the worker her name as if I were to ask a question. She responded Carol. I asked to see Fay she said she Is not her right now. I had previously let out several inquires to Fays voice mail. As I wanted more information on her programs. When she failed to return any of my calls. I took it as not a good sign for placing my very energetic 81 year old father in law not even for just the day, I was looking for a place for him when I went away on weekends and other temporary times. I walk passed on room where another woman or worker has just struck a older woman in the chest area and pushed her on her bed. I stop and said Hey stop that leave her alone that is not how you treat anyone. This short Asian woman said to me "Who are you? It is none of your concern. I said to her yes it is when you harm anyone who is defenseless. SHE yelled at me to get out or she would call the police. I said go a head call I have a complaint. She was very hostel and mean. I asked to see the manager she said she was the manager. If this is this is the kind of care that is here, Forget it don't bother for the people there are not happy and threatened. I will keep looking for another place for my active parent. it is not there.
by Robert Parker MD
August 24, 2017
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