Hunziker John C Phd

Hunziker John C Phd
Hunziker John C Phd 7701 Pacific Street Suite 207 Omaha, NE 68114
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(1 Review)
My family finds this man to be a very poor psychologist. He continuously threatened my daughter with being committed if she didn't keep her appointments with him saying it was because he was that concerned about her mental state. We honestly believe he is mostly concerned with any loss of monies for empty time and he actually acted on his threat when she was ill and missed an appointment last week. This morning he sent six police officers who entered my daughter's home while she was taking a shower and they took her from her shower and had her locked up at the county psych clinic. She was and is not a threat to herself or anyone else. After her interview with the admitting doctor I was able to speak to him and he said that Hunziker had no right to have anyone committed for missing appointments especially since she was in no way court ordered to see him, she had sought him out voluntarily for help with depression and anxiety. He greatly increased her anxiety with all his blustering and threats and even he stated that she was getting no better under his care which he attributed to her severe condition instead of to his inability to help or relate to her in any way. I had been worried for some time because she always seemed to feel much worse after a visit with him and had been encouraging her to seek a different doctor. If he was so worried he could have called me, her mother, and he has my number, but to my knowledge he didn't even try to call my daughter. The admitting doctor wanted to release my daughter today but he couldn't reach Hunziker by phone so she is having to spend the night in that place. The admitting doctor did manage to call her psychiatrist who also stated he has seen her very recently and did not think she should have been committed. I have never known of any doctor of his type to act in the manner he has with my daughter with his rudeness and threats. He also listed a few upsetting things that my daughter has been through as reason for his "concern" but all of these things happened a month or more ago and she has dealt with them very well. It seems if he was so concerned about these incidents, none of which involved her acting psychotic in any way, he should have had her committed when she actually was having trouble dealing with them. Everyone in our family is of these opinions and we deeply regret entrusting our daughter to this man's "help". Please consider this before agreeing to be a patient of this man. I believe his actions today have caused my daughter more stress than anything life has thrown at her and am very afraid she will never trust anyone to help her if she ever needs it now.
by Rhoda
November 29, 2010
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