They were ready to see me when I showed up for my appointment. I never had to wait for them to show up. One thing I noticed about their office was how absolutely fantastic it smelled. They must clean or sanitize all the time. I'm always amazed at how considerate and concerned they are for my well-being. Their advice is always wonderful and completely unbiased. One thing I love about them, is that they're always willing to ask for other qualified professionals' advice when they don't have an answer for my question. I never have to worry about them giving me a wrong answer just because they weren't willing to ask for help. I was extremely satisfied with how smoothly my pet's appointment went and how helpful the vet was. It really went well. of course I never saw Dr.d Kiefer in his office because he always came to the stable where I keep my horse. I like him v. v. much and trust him implicitely. He has a fantastic reputation from knowledgeable people.