Their prices were not fair at all. My young daughter had a pulpotomy done. She was nervous, but Dr. Hirschfeld refused to allow me to accompany her during treatment. When I heard her crying, I was told to stay in waiting room. Then when I was finally allowed to join her, she had been shaken by his treatment. She told me he yelled at her and told her to stop acting like a baby! She was only seven at the time. Then to make matters worse if that is even possible...the temp filling fell out two days later. Due to his terrible chair side manner, and poor workmanship I took her to a nearby practice. While there I inquired as to to "going rate " for a pulp ottomh (child's root canal) only to learn Hirschfeld had charged me more than double the normal rate. I had also had a root canal by him the week prior, only to have my filling fall out within a week. I would NEVER recommend him under any circumstances!!!