I had a brain MAJOR BLEED (symptoms) (?) (Spelling), they told my family that I was going to die, so they should just let me. My family insisted they send me to Loma Linda hospital, ST.Mary's didn't want to BUT instead said they would fly me to Arrorhead, where finally after my family raised #?#=,after my family insisted that I go Loma Linda, they flew me to Loma Linda ., where they saved my life. I was in a coma for months, then in rehab for months. Today, I am an active member of life, with no noticeable health problems that my doctor, family or I can tell.I have to have tests once a year at Loma Linda to make sure that what they put into my body's brain is where it should be.SO I, or my family DO NOT THINK TOO MUCH OF ST.MARY'S HOSPITAL IN APPLE VALLEY, CALIF.