I saw him for personal/private therapy, not as couples therapy. Maybe he is different or better in a group/couple situation. I felt like I was NOT heard. I felt like I had to wait for him to stop talking so I could explain some MAJOR causes of anxiety. He did not have great skills of reading the room (meaning he could not read that I was frustrated, and if he could he must not have cared?). If you need some basic stress relief techniques or if you need a BASIC lesson of what depression or anxiety is or how it affects the human body he could probably help you, but I felt like I could have gotten the same knowledge from a basic google search and then spent the money I spent to see him on a new outfit and felt MUCH BETTER than I did with him.
I had major concerns I wanted to unload and when I expressed that outright he hesitated and said that we can talk about that in the future. And then thought for a moment and said that we can talk about that next time. I'm sorry, if you have to think about whether I get to share some major things that are causing anxiety in my immediate life, then WHY AM I HERE!??? I value my time. I did not think he felt the same.
Not pleased. Not pleased at all. Again, the help he gave I could have easily found on the internet, but I didn't need that. I needed a real person. Bummer.