Berg Joanna L Phd

Berg Joanna L Phd
Berg Joanna L Phd 5665 College Avenue Oakland, CA 94618
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(7 Reviews)
2 star average for Service
3 star average for Environment
1 star average for Expertise
2 star average for Staff
1.5 star average for Recommended
1 star average for Value
I would give zero stars, but that’s not an option.

I was sent to see Dr. Joanna L. Berg by the Deputy District Attorney for the City of San Francisco for an evaluation after I was struck by an SF Muni Bus that crossed over into my lane, causing a head on collision with my motorcycle, leaving me with a serious head injury, 13 broken bones iand 2 surgeries. (I guess she works making extra money by (self) serving as an expert witness for the Deputy District Attorney? Not sure why else she was “chosen”.
I met her and the appointment began, but she excused herself several times, which was odd, distracting and confusing. (I later found out from the person who accompanied me that was in the waiting room that she was seeing other patients at the same time).
She finally settled in for a stretch, and proceeded to ask me various questions that I could definitely conscrue as pertaining to the case. When the subject of my being transgendered came up (at her request, not mine) her primary focus seemed to shift to to only that. She began to ask a barrage of questions regarding being a trans person.

I was taken aback wondering what this had to do with being hit by a bus?

The trans questions she asked were the same questions a child would ask. It was really shocking and disappointing to listen to somebody who is supposed to be a “Doctor of Psychology PHD” asking questions that were for a lack of better terms -ignorant. I couldn’t wait to get out of there as she made me feel very uncomfortable, very creeped out and somehow vioviolated.
Later, when I inadvertently received the report through her partner in this, I discovered that even after spending all of the excessive amount of time she insisted on spending on the trans subject, the written report she prepared for the Deputy District Attorney was peppered with several sections of her referring to me as “he” this, then “she” that, all within a single paragraph! Maybe I should have offered her a course in common pronouns instead? Here’s some professional advice for Dr Joanna L. Berg PHD: if another poor transgendered person is sent to your self dealing practice: pick one pronoun and run with it.
by T R
December 23, 2018
Didn't like her at all. Cold as ice. I have since learned that she makes a lot of money getting paid by various companies so that the companies can get out of paying money to victims of crimes. She basically lies in court on on documents for money. She is not someone I want handling my emotions and well being. I don't like her and will never go back.
by John
September 14, 2013
Was this provider's office too cold?
Way too cold, I thought I would catch hypothermia
by Anonymous
July 23, 2013
Are you confident that this provider will continue working with you until a solution is reached?
Not at all, I feel like they're constantly ready to give up on me
Does this provider adhere to the customer is always right policy?
No, it is their way or the highway
Did you spend a lot of time in the waiting room at this provider's office?
Yes, I had to reorganize my schedule
Would you recommend this psychologist to others?
Absolutely Not
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
No, I left with more problems than I came with!
by boingy
March 22, 2013
Felt like I was talking to cardboard. Had no personality. Seemed to be just in to it for the money. There was something lacking in her.
by shana
February 10, 2013
She has some of the worst prices I've ever seen. She did not seem professional or caring at all. She seemed cold, distant, and judgmental. This woman felt like a robot, and she clearly was meeting with me to make money. You couldn’t pay me enough to go back and see Joanna Berg again. She was horrible. I was very disappointed with how long she made me wait in the waiting room. I spent a very long time in there.
by Constance
November 17, 2012
They really make no effort to maintain a professional appearance here. I was shocked at how unprofessional they looked. There was no annoying music playing while I waited or during my visit. I appreciated that they didn't have that typical elevator music on. The entire time I was with them, they didn't make me feel confident in their abilities. I don't think they knew what they were doing. There definitely appears to be a trend of overbooking clients here. The wait has gotten longer and longer from when I first started seeing them. Not only did they rush my appointment, they practically hurried me out the door. They only wanted my money, they didn’t care about me.
by Anonymous
January 15, 2012
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