Most unprofessional and unethical “doctor” I have ever met or seen in my entire life. Was court ordered to work with him and have been for six months now which has been the biggest waste of time and money ever. He has done nothing but lie about different things over and over and over again and when you catch him in his lies he tries to backpedal his way out of them. Rewrites the judges stipulations in his own words and then tells you that’s what the judge said. Has even gone so far as to make two copies of the same stipulation that are supposed to be the exact same thing and he gives a copy to my lawyer and a copy to my sons mothers lawyer but in fact they say completely different things but are supposed to be the exact same copy of the exact same stipulation. All he does is take notes and I can tell him the same thing every week and he doesn’t remember absolutely anything I tell him from week to week. After six months he still cannot get the facts of my case right. Has put words in my mouth and told me that I’ve said things I did not several times. As well as has told me things that later has denied and claims he never said. Was supposed to meet my mother never did. was supposed to come with me to as many different places as possible and watch me interact with my son at our home and has not gone anywhere with us. Was supposed to slowly increase the time I get with my son overtime but the only thing he has done is actually take time with my son away from me and decrease my time with my son. Is supposed to have been following along with the communication between my sons mother and I on an app called OFW but every time I ask him about it he has no idea what I’m talking about and asks me for my username and password again so that he can logon and see so clearly he’s not following along like he is supposed to be. After six months of working on communication between my sons mother and I he tells me that she doesn’t have to communicate with me when that is the entire reason that we are seeing him to begin with. if she doesn’t have to communicate with me then what would he be following along to and why are we even seeing him then? He had my sons mother who has never responded to any message I have ever sent her over the course of six months log on to the OFW app and go back 10 weeks and reply to every message I sent her over the last 10 weeks that she did not respond to just so that when he wrote his report the next day he could say that she does communicate with me. And when I ask him how her replying to messages 10 weeks later counts as communication he says it does. His secretary Wendy is a whole other story I think she only has half a brain. she’s never answered any question I’ve ever asked her correctly and they will leave an appointment time on my voicemail and ask if I can confirm the appointment time and when I call back and tell them that that time does not work for me they say I canceled the appointment. The last thing this guy cares about is what is best for my son all he cares about is stretching things out and making them take as long as he possibly can so he can make money off you as long as he possibly can. This whole process was only supposed to be 120 days to begin with but here we are six months later and we have not accomplished anything or resolved any of the issues that we came into this with week one. Our six month court order ended last Thursday and he stopped answering his phone for me and told me that if I wanted to talk to him anymore that I had to pay him more money if I wanted him to answer the phone and talk to me ever again. But he is supposed to be here because he cares what is best for my son? This guy is a complete joke do you self a favor and run in the opposite direction.