I came to this man over 15 years ago as a broken woman with no self esteem, and had no self worth. Dave Hoffman changed my life. I am now married, by the way, he married us as well. If what your doing now is not working at all, i suggest you give this man a call. He and his wife are wonderful people. If you take him seriously and put into action his suggestions that are in fact scripture based, He know exactly how to get you back on the right track. If you want things to be different and have a different outcome, then you must change what you are doing or you will only keep getting the same result. I have been to many counselors and mostly all they have to offer is to sit and listen. He is an action person. If you think all is hopeless, then give him a call. God has blessed him with much wisdom. I will never be able to repay him for the wisdom he gave to us. Ther is only one catch.... You must apply it. Good Luck to you. You are in the right place. so what are you waiting for .? Give him a call.