I first saw Ginny back in the 1980's, when I was in my mid-20's, really depressed, and trying to build a happier, healthier life for myself and my kids. She was incredibly helpful - I'd seen counselors a few times before her, but none of them were as wise, insightful, and caring as she is. She was able to help me let down my walls and begin to deal with the pain that I'd been unable to deal with prior to that, and so had kept it stuffed down behind those walls. She's the kind of counselor who can help you see for yourself the things that you've been needing to see, but just haven't been ready or able to see...and as you see it, you start to become free and happier. She doesn't tell you what you need to do; she helps you figure it out for yourself. I've been back to see Ginny a few times over the years, when other painful life events occurred, and each time she has helped me to heal and get to a better place. She is a gift from God!