They barely gave me any information at all. I'm going to have to do my own research to get my questions answered. Their staff was not that friendly, and didn't go out of their way to make me feel welcome. I feel like my appointment was pointless. None of my questions were answered, nothing was accomplished, and I felt worse when I left. A DEPUTY IN WESTMORELAND KS WROTE ME A TICKET BECAUSE ME AND MY SON WERE CAMPING BY WESTMORELAND KS AND WE WERE IN THE VEHICL AT 1 AM,BUT THEN THE NEXT DAY HE ARRSETED ME FOR TRESPASSING AT A NEAR BY COMMUNITY IN DELUTH,KS..WELL WE WERE STRANDED!i HAD TO GET A PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION TO REGAIN COSTODY OF MY SON AND THIS DOCTER OH BOY!HIS PARTNER SOCIAL WORKER SCARED MY SON!AND HE SAID I WAS CRAZY!WELL IF I WASNT BEFORE I DEFINALTLY AM NOW!