I do NOT recommend Robert A. Pope. I give Robert POPE a NEGATIVE rating. ZERO star rating. Mr Pope was ordered by the courts to NOT be advertising association with the Bring Joy Name.Salt Lake Commissioners ORDERED Mr Pope to remove his Name from all association with the Bring Joy name, brand, foundation by December 1, 2014. Mr. Pope is being investigated for causing harm to former patients (including his former wife) All complaints/reports were filed with the President of the Bring Joy Foundation and the President of the parent foundation (Open Mind foundation) reporting his inappropriate malpractice and for participating in tax fraud practices. This (former) Chiropractor (Robert Pope) is NOT licensed or Insured and he does NOT inform his clients that he is NOT licensed and treats them under the guise of "minister" of his "virtual church". Mr. Pope is NOT located in Salt Lake at this address 2695 Highland Drive in SLC, Utah. Mr. Pope is NOT affiliated IN ANY WAY with the Bring Joy Foundation or the Open Mind Foundation. All of his privileges have been REVOKED by This Foundation! for over 6 years Mr. Pope is NOT current with any of his Continuing Education or State requirements to keep his license. He relinquished his license years ago. He is NOT up to date and he (and his church of compassionate service) are currently under investigation. I Definitely do NOT recommend anyone to Robert A. Pope for chiropractic OR any form of wellbeing or wellness assistance! This is my true opinion based on years of experience. signed: February 28, 2015 Carol Nelson Pope