Aulenta John

Aulenta John
Aulenta John 667 Lighthouse Avenue Frnt Pacific Grove, CA 93950
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(2 Reviews)

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Did this counselor keep your information confidential?
Definitely! They always make sure that everything I say is kept private and confidential
Did this counselor answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this counselor friendly?
Extremely Friendly
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was the noise level reasonable in this provider's office?
by Anonymous
April 04, 2019

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I took my daughter for an educational evaluation. Mr Aulenta was very interested in her and gave us a very comprehensive report. We were concerned that she would balk at 3 hours of testing but she actually enjoyed it. I would definitely recommend Mr Aulenta.
by hfrances
December 14, 2015
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