Please accept my sincere apology for not being able to complete my therapy - unfortunately, this period of time was one of the most trying times of our lives. My husband, who is a cancer survivor, had, what we feared, was a return of the Melanoma - thankfully, things were ok, and just a false alarm. Various tests confirmed he is ok. Hde is my FIRST PRIORITY -we've been married almost 62 yrs. In addition, I had a dental emergency, having broken a post in a crown, necessitating a bridge replacement. I had to sit in the dentist's chair 3 hours and still am having followups. I do hope you understand!! YOU ALL were GREAT!!! I'm just sorry I had to miss soooo many apmts, and hope I can return again when I get another RX from Dr. Messenger. ?? Thanks to ALL OF YOU!! I will try to continue with the exercises at home until I can return. Evelyn Watts