This So called Dr will not take you seriously, He performed the wrong procedure on me while filling in for my real DR. He looked at from 5 ft away and told me i had no inflammation (Have scans and 2 years worth of notes from my real DR proving i do) He Made quick judgement calls on whim which put my healing back weeks if not months. He will talk down to you and make you feel like crap. Went in for #3 tpi injections of int/ext obliques and Rectus, He chose to go against my Routine with Dr and decided on his own to Block nerves instead - so he added more chemicals into muscles that were already swollen making things worse, And since i cant tell when im in pain (Nerve block) i have overused muscles, had ribs pop back out of place 3-5 some inhaled ribs some exhaled ribs and rotation and movement that tear my muscles up cant be monitored since i cant feel when the pain kicks in to tell me to stop moving in such a way. Disgusted with this so called DR. If you value good doctors i recommend VITALITY PAIN CENTER - Julia CALDWELL is caring, compassionate and Very smart.