Although there is no question that we should all set goals meant to improve our health, such goals, though, need to be realistic, measurable and achievable. Oftentimes, however, people set goals that will likely end in failure--sometimes, it may not even be humanly possible, given the circumstances, to complete them.Having said that, "unrealistic" is NOT (at least in this article) synonymous with "impossible."...
June 05
Is anything really "irrefutable," especially in the ever-changing, controversy-fraught area of "health?" The preponderance of the evidence seems to lean toward "No!" There are several reasons for this.Firstly, we don't all see things the same way, even when confronted by the same so-called "evidence." Take the very hotly-contested subject of vaccines, for example. In her blog entry "10 Irrefutable...
May 25
In spite of the fact that we collectively know more about health issues than at any other time in history, it can also be said that most people today are more confused about what constitutes definitive/conclusive health knowledge than at other times in history. To put it more bluntly, the huge number of discoveries, epiphanies and accomplishments of modern times, far from necessarily making people...
May 12
It's a wonder some people don't get whiplash by trying to keep up with the latest findings regarding the many controversial or unsettled health issues in the news. Sometimes the uncertainty arises from changing circumstances, new findings through health studies/surveys, public appeals or demonstrations (most often carried out these days through social media and Internet discussion forums), laws or...
May 05
One revolutionary theory that is of special importance in medicine is the germ theory of disease: the (at the time) shocking realization or assertion that many diseases (most significantly, those that were responsible for the highest mortality globally) had a microbiological origin--to put it more bluntly, those that were caused by tiny organisms, many of which could not be seen with the naked eye....
April 25
There is a major shift taking place right now that may have consequences even those of us who are condemning it may not fully appreciate, much less explain to others. Actually, this so-called "shift" has been in the making for decades but, because it is being implemented so slow and surreptitiously, many people aren't even aware of what is taking place. If they are aware, they either don't have the...
April 08
There's a new version of Cinderalla out and it's actually a good one. It would be nice if every time they put out a new version of an old story (and Cinderella fits that description well) they bothered to put a few new twists, changed the plot a little or even introduced a new character or two (or, possibly, just furbished them a bit).Disney's new Cinderella accomplishes all of the above (athough not...
March 16
Many people are still mourning the recent passing of Leonard Nimoy; it should be comforting to know, though, that the character that he helped bring to life (Mr. Spock) will continue to live on in all the now iconic Star Trek TV episodes and movies.Publicity photo of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner as Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk from the television program Star Trek. Press release is dated 12 January...
March 09
Anti-angiogenic agents or angiogenesis inhibitors (as they are sometimes called) are a relatively new arsenal of weapons against cancer. Although they have already been approved for use against some types of cancer, their ultimate efficacy is still being evaluated. To put it more bluntly, this is a technology which, in spite of showing great promise, is only in the earliest stages of development and...
March 03
Many times controversies arise in the scientific community which, quite frankly, could have easily been avoided or, at the very least, much better handled. In fact, it can sometimes be said that some controversies are fueled or fanned by the same people who later put on a "full-court press" attack against them. This appears to be the case with the vaccine/autism connection national debate. This controversy...
February 26