INTRODUCTIONOver-the-counter, do-it-yourself (DIY) teeth whitening kits sound like a good idea for a number of reasons, including convenience, a lower cost than going to a dentist, and relative ease of use. That’s the good news. But, like everything in this world that sounds too-good-to-be-true, you also need to pay attention to the “bad news.” These over-the-counter, teeth-enhancement kits are, first...
November 08
Get to Know the Tylenol Toxicity Warning Signs.Breathing Difficulty, Swelling or Rash, Grey Color Stool, or Yellowing Skin are ALL signs of Tylenol/Acetaminophen toxicity and potential liver failure. Even non-drinkers are at risk. By now you have probably heard that Tylenol (or, more specifically, acetaminophen) can damage the liver. In most cases, damage to the liver is thought to occur because of...
March 09
INTRODUCTIONFortunately, there are many resources on the Internet for parents/guardians who want to keep their children safe. You need to familiarize yourself with as many of these resources as possible.Also, connect with organizations and law enforcement agencies addressing Internet safety issues. Having said that, it’s up to you to prepare young people for the many potential dangers lurking on Cyberspace.This...
November 15
IntroductionAt one point or another, you will probably need to go or be taken to the Emergency Room (ER). While experts would agree that in most cases you should preferably be seen by your primary care doctor instead of using the ER, you may not have a choice in the matter, especially if you, say, are involved in a serious-injury-inducing car accident.In fact, it may come down to whether you are a...
October 26
Many consumers shop for food without thinking too much either about food safety or the repercussions of eating things with long-term harmfulness. Warning people about things posing immediate danger is generally well received and understood. But try telling people that glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup now found in increasing amounts in our food, beverages, and drinking water) causes cancer....
September 02
Although we generally associate vitamin deficiency with third world countries, the reality is that this is a more common problem in developed nations than most people realize. We may not experience this problem with the same frequency or severity as, say, poor parts of India, South America and Africa, but the problem is often found in the US, especially among the poor, the homeless, the elderly, and...
June 23
What you eat has become more important than ever before. It isn't that nutrition wasn't important in, say, the 1800s or the 1600s or even 3,000 years ago. It's just that the circumstances have changed regarding what we eat. Not only have meal choices changed but the motivation and strategies behind food consumption have also changed.Early man (before we started raising livestock and developing organized...
February 25
We have seen several significantly-damaging national disasters in the last 25 years—most recently, there were the downing of the twin towers in New York and the extensive devastation by Hurricane Katrina. Both of these catastrophes had major negative implications, not the least of which were the cost of repairs (when feasible), lost productivity, and the lost revenue from diminished tourism, cancelled...
January 15
One of the advantages of modern times is that we are provided with more useful health information than ever before. While much of that "information" may not be 100% correct or of any immediate practical use, the fact remains that, if there were a health threat most of us needed to know about, chances are we would promptly find out about it through our ubiquitous media channels.It is safe to say, consequently,...
December 28
Most people depend on their doctor(s) when it comes to the most important decisions they make about their health. For many things, doctors are indeed a good source of information, considering how intense their education and training in the health sciences is. But there are also a number of areas or topics about which doctors simply aren't the best source of information. A glaring example is nutrition....
December 12