Posts by Fred Fletcher

INTRODUCTION There is good news on the horizon regarding age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Stargardt disease (the juvenile version) and related retinal pathologies. Although gene therapy is not new, the ways that it may enhance treatment options for these and other eye diseases is, to put it mildly, astounding. WHY THE EYES ARE ALMOST PERFECTLY SUITED FOR GENE THERAPYUnfortunately, not every...
October 25
Most people have heard about "identity theft" but they may not be as familiar with its less-promulgated "cousin": medical identity theft. Although less publicized, medical identity theft is not a small problem.In fact, it involves thousands of victims, over $40 billion in losses, and a variety of problems with far-reaching and monumentally serious consequences.What is Medical identity Theft?Simply...
August 29
IntroductionIn simple terms, spider veins may be described as the "little brothers" of varicose veins. They are not just smaller but subscribe to a few other basic differences. These types of vessels broadly fall under the category of “dysfunctional veins.”Why do veins become dysfunctional? Common problems that lead to “bad veins” include venous insufficiency and reflux. Simply put, when blood going...
August 22
"Allergies" or "allergic reactions"--some of which are referred to as "hypersensitivity reactions" in the scientific community--are at epidemic (if not pandemic) levels right now. Different theories are being proposed as to why this is so but the most convincing one (according to some experts) is that ubiquitous toxic chemicals and biological agents in our food, water and air are to blame. Since these...
August 12
INTRODUCTION Pain is usually an indication that something is wrong in the body. Think of it as a warning signal which needs to be addressed. While the root cause of said pain isn’t necessarily something that needs an immediate or drastic solution, it’s often impossible to say whether even mild pain is either nothing to worry about or something that could potentially be fatal. In other words, many serious...
July 10
You may be surprised at some of the things given the "lime" light in this article. As a general rule, too many people ignore how important cleanliness is in relation to food safety. The worst that can happen, some people think, is an upset stomach, diarrhea or vomiting.That, however, is one of many misconceptions which, in spite of food safety education programs, still "plague" us.Foodborne illnesses...
June 15
Without question, one of the biggest battles everyone is fighting today is the "Battle of the Bulge"--no, not the German offensive against the Allies in December of 1944 but, rather, the fight to keep excessive fat from our bodies. This battle isn't just about "looking good" but, more importantly, about staying healthy.Being overweight is, after all, a precursor or marker for the most lethal diseases--i.e.,...
May 08
INTRODUCTION A gastroenterologist specializes in infirmities and complications involving the gastrointestinal tract—i.e., the intestines, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, liver, colon and rectum. Their extensive training includes 5 additional years of education in gastroenterology and internal medicine after completing medical school. In addition to other specialized functions, gastroenterologists are...
March 21
While it is normal for people to age as they get older, it is not normal to be the victim of premature aging. This can happen when people are (because of bad decisions or through harmful environmental factors) exposed to harmful things unnecessarily. The human body is a wonderfully created piece of equipment and it can take a lot of punishment but that is no excuse to abuse it. People who abuse their...
March 02
Introduction The chance of being afflicted with skin cancer is, unfortunately, a significant danger these days. In fact, approximately 4,300,000 Americans will come down with basal cell carcinoma (the most common type of skin cancer) each year and an additional 1,000,000 people will come down with squamous cell carcinoma (the second most common type). In total, about 18,000 people will die from these...
February 13