Posts by Fred Fletcher

Considering the fact that our bodies are mostly made from water, it's easy to see why we need to consume so much of it per day (about 3 liters--more, if you exert yourself to any extent). In fact, without access to clean, drinkable water, we would soon die. To put this in a different light: we can live without food for days and even weeks (depending on our age, health status and body weight), but we...
January 18
Although neither government health agencies nor food manufacturers will tell you, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a very unhealthy food additive. In spite of such, it is obsessively used in most processed, frozen and fast foods. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to not find it in most foods consumed by people both in developed and developing countries.Why Is MSG Used So Extensively?Simply put, MSG makes...
November 20
A far-reaching, ongoing development or movement in healthcare has been the stripping away of authority and control from doctors. Once thought of as the ultimate authorities in healthcare settings, doctors today don't have as much power as they had in the past.In fact, it's fair to say that the following 10 factors or forces can be as influential (if not more so) than a doctor's judgment/jurisdiction...
November 19
Unfortunately both the US government and the big corporations have their own peculiar, difficult-to-fathom notion of what constitutes "safe." Most of us would say that something is "safe" if:it's been thoroughly tested by objective, not-swayed-by-special-interests-&-financial-concerns researchers,its benefits far outweigh any potential side-effects, complications & interactions with other substances,it...
November 09
Like Tylenol (acetaminophen), Ibuprofen enjoys a mostly positive reputation. This powerful painkiller, after all, has been around for a long time, is a preferred choice for many illnesses, and, most importantly, is available in several forms as an over the counter (OTC) medicine.One of a number of different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Ibuprofen has many wonderful qualities which...
October 29
Although it's not possible at this time to predict with complete certainty who will get cancer, it is possible, by using certain guiding principles and medical facts, to predict who in society is most susceptible to the disease. In some cases, we can even narrow it down to specific groups of people.Why Is It Important to Engage in This Type of Predictive Analysis?Some people would say that it's preferable...
October 28
Drones are a hot news topic these days. We've all seen (and possibly even played with) remote-controlled model airplanes and helicopters before but drones are no longer just toys. The technology behind these devices has been greatly improved. More importantly, people are coming up with all kinds of new, creative ways to use drones.The government, for example, has known for a while that drones can very...
October 16
The latest development in the "are vaccines safe" national debate is the troubling decision by many doctors to no longer see patients (mostly children) who have not been vaccinated according to national medical associations and U.S. government agency standards. If it were just a few doctors who were making this decision, this might not be the hot issue it is becoming. The reality is, however, that...
October 15
Some experts say that Americans are generally ignorant when it comes to what is essentially good, wholesome and safe food to eat. This may, in fact, be a classic example of the "proof of the pudding" being in the "eating."It should be stressed, though, that this "ignorance" has been deliberately peddled or imposed on Americans over a number of years. In fact, rather than using the word "ignorance,"...
October 03
While persons born blind may have to wait longer for viable treatment options, those with compromised eyesight due to injury or disease have plenty of reasons to be excited about the future.Stem cell research, only one of several regenerative medicine options presently gaining seemingly limitless momentum, is opening doors hitherto merely imagined. Ophthalmologists should soon be able to offer the...
September 22