Posts by Jacqueline Hatch

By 2060, the number of 65+ Americans is expected to double to reach about a total of 98 million people. According to aging statistics from the government’s Administration for Community Living, this population will steadily grow to make up about 21% of our nation’s population. According to data from the Pew Research Center, of the 65+ seniors living in America, about 27 percent of them own tablets or...
8/1/2024 4:00:00 AM
Many women, especially those over the age of fifty, believe that fitness just isn’t for them. I’ve heard so many of my aging loved ones say that they are simply “too old” to get into shape. That’s just not the case!Don’t believe me? Meet Ernestine Shepherd, a 79-year-old who started working out at the age of 56 and is now one of the world’s most inspirational female bodybuilders. She is living proof...
2/19/2023 5:00:00 AM
Sometimes as we get older, outside responsibilities find priority over self-care. Oftentimes, we only start considering a lifestyle change when we become ill, which is the body’s way of telling us that something is wrong. Experts often say when in doubt, treat yourself as you would a small child. That means taking care of yourself in a variety of ways, including eating a healthy diet and getting regular...
8/18/2022 4:00:00 AM
According to the CDC, 2.5 million older people are treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries each year. One out of five falls leads to serious injury such as hip fractures or brain trauma. And when a loved one has fallen once, it doubles their chance of falling again. As the caregiver for an aging loved one, it is your goal to ensure that the home is a safe environment to support the aging...
2/25/2022 6:00:00 AM
One of the most important lessons I learned growing up is the importance of giving some of what you have to others. Every year around the holidays, my father would give me $100 to donate to a local charity. I remember the way I felt going into an animal shelter or soup kitchen and handing the check over to a tired volunteer. I can still vividly recall the smiles that would spread across their faces,...
4/23/2018 7:00:00 AM
Young girls have recently been dyeing their hair various shades of gray in response to a growing fad they call “granny hair”. The result is surprising and stunning all at once, and the popularity of this trend has led many to consider whether or not this represents a shift toward a positive view of aging in America. As a Bay Area gerontologist pointed out, “This trend is remarkable because it runs...
7/14/2016 7:00:00 AM
My mom retired at 49. But she didn't stop working. Not fully. All that newfound free time was quickly filled up when she became my aging grandparents primary caregiver.She was their own personal angel: running errands, doing housekeeping work, helping them move safely around the house and transporting them to and from medical appointments.And she cherished the quality time spent with her aging parents....
2/29/2016 8:00:00 AM