Are you dealing with a particularly dismissive doctor? Although most patients believe that their nurse practitioner listens, almost half of them report that their doctors aren’t as focused or interested in listening. Why is this so common? Nowadays, as soon as we develop symptoms that we can't explain we get on the internet to see what we can learn. It is tempting to stress over your symptoms after...
October 09
Some of the conditions that affect women disproportionately are obvious. Women have more breast tissue than men, pregnancy is dangerous in and of itself, and they typically live longer than men, spending their remaining years vulnerable to disease. However, women also need to be mindful of their significant risk when it comes to an organ system that we all have: the digestive tract. Women are surprisingly...
July 23
No one wants to suffer any longer than they have to, whether it’s from a nasty flu or a twinging muscle in your back. You might put off a doctor’s visit for a few days, chug some orange juice or swallow some ibuprofen, but there’s a certain point where that doesn’t cut it anymore. You can’t handle the discomfort any longer, and it’s seriously disrupting your life. So you go to the doctor and get a...
November 14
Being or becoming healthy is a conscious, continuous process. We have to constantly be aware of what we’re putting into our bodies, how we’re using them, and if we’re getting enough rest. Everything from breakfast to bedtime is a health decision, and now that we have more access to information than ever, there really aren’t very many excuses left.Of course, there are considerable sacrifices when we...
September 06
Using technology to better achieve your fitness goals is nothing new. Well, it’s certainly new in terms of modern history, but it’s been fully integrated into our lives ever since the proliferation of smartphone apps. Now, there’s an app for everything, and that definitely includes fitness. But do we want to integrate technology into everything now, or is there something specific that compels us to...
June 07
We’re well past New Year's resolutions. Even assuming that you did stick to them, you might not be seeing the results that you wanted. New Year's’ resolutions are often Sisyphean tasks that require a sustained commitment, like earning a new degree or giving up smoking. Rarely do we resolve something that can be easily accomplished. And since one of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose...
March 13
Zika is not news. In fact, it hasn’t been news for a long time. As the Director of the CDC tweeted, research on Zika has suffered “50 years of neglect.” Recently, though, we have all paid plenty of attention to the outbreaks, historical and present. Fear of Zika has consumed headlines for months and will likely continue to do so. As the disease spread, so did our concern and speculation - so much so...
September 14