Posts by Beth Rosenshein

I'd like to introduce you to Lorraine because she is a pioneer. Lorraine had to face obstacles most of us never see. A perfect storm of cowardice, ignorance, indifference and greed landed at Lorraine's doorstep. She and her family were living in a nightmare that she didn't think would ever end. Her tenacity and confidence to regain her health in a situation that could have easily forced her to spend...
5/24/2011 11:00:45 PM
Women shouldn't be so hard on each other. The woman who wrote this article slams the drug company, Proctor and Gamble for creating the first ever testosterone patch for women. This patch provides bio-identical testosterone in a dosage that is completely appropriate for a woman. In a field like...
4/25/2011 10:21:09 PM
For several months I have posted sporadically on My husband and I found out that our 13 year old daughter has a rare illness called pseudotumor cerebri (older name) or intracranial hypertension (newer name). When someone asks our daughter about her illness she usually says, "I have too much spinal fluid and I need a shunt in my back to drain some off. Since I have a shunt I have less...
4/21/2011 9:37:22 PM
I'd like to introduce you to Louise Sinclair because she is a pioneer. Louise has a clearer view of how to treat hypogonadism than most doctors, particularly those doctors who call themselves experts. Louise understands the health benefits of treating hypogonadism and understands how to treat it. How is it possible for a woman without medical training to know more than the vast majority of doctors,...
12/9/2010 10:35:28 PM
It depends on who you ask and how you ask. Recently I had a conversation with a man who heads up a menopause program in a local hospital and he just wasn't getting it. He was asking me for ways to help women understand that menopause is just a part of life and to accept it. He just couldn't understand why women complained so much about menopause. I tried my best to help him understand that any person,...
9/21/2010 9:24:52 AM
Recently, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) issued a position statement on whether or not it was healthy for women to take HRT for menopause. It was a long paper with a short answer. Women near the time of menopause would benefit from HRT but only for a short time and HRT should not be used by women older than 60. Does something change in a woman's body on the day she turns 60 years old?...
5/14/2010 9:12:09 AM
A little background first... When it comes to HRT for women, insurance companies don't really want to reimburse for hormone medications. They don't because the feeling is that a woman is only trying to relieve her symptoms but will end up getting sicker because of it. It has been drummed into insurance companies, just like into doctors, that HRT is not healthy and should only be used for as short a...
2/23/2010 11:37:58 AM
A little background first... The only way to save money is to prevent major diseases that cost a lot of money to treat and cure. The length of our lifespan makes every one of us vulnerable to major diseases, not because of our age, but because of untreated chronic illness. Every one of us, woman and man, will suffer from hypogonadism (also called peri-menopause in women and andropause in men) from...
1/11/2010 12:01:58 AM
Before we get started, a little background. The gonads of women (ovaries) and of men (testicles) produce all of the same hormones, estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, dhea and more. When 1 or 2 gonadal hormones fall below normal levels the resulting illness is called hypogonadism. When 3 or more gonadal hormones fall below normal levels the resulting illness is called profound hypogonadism. Hypogonadism...
10/17/2009 11:52:50 PM
A little background first, then on to healthcare reform... Treatment of profound hypogonadism uses hormone products to replace the hormones of the ovaries (female gonads) with the same hormones, in the same levels, just as if the ovaries were still working. The 'HRT' used in clinical trials like the Women's Health Initiative creates hormone levels that are never seen in healthy women during their entire...
9/3/2009 8:27:12 AM