Posts by Beth Rosenshein

Starting around age 30 women are encouraged to no longer postpone childbearing. The reason given is that as a woman ages through her 30's into her 40's her fertility will continue to decline, along with her ovarian function, until she suffers ovarian failure (menopause) and is no longer fertile. This is true if nothing is done. The reason that ovarian function and fertility continue to decline is an...
5/20/2009 7:07:19 AM
Madoff built one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history. Madoff defrauded investors of more than $50 billion. Madoff has been arrested and can't defraud any longer. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has built one of the largest misinformation schemes in history. The NIH did, and continues to, defraud millions of women of control of their health, well-being and livelihood. The NIH shows no signs...
4/12/2009 12:33:46 AM
Peri-menopause is a window into menopause. All of the symptoms of peri-menopause get worse not better unless you get treatment. During peri-menopause you may begin to sleep only 6 1/2 hours a night. When you are in full menopause your sleep will likely drop to 4-5 1/2 hours of sleep. Many women can only sleep 1 1/2 hours at a time. Symptoms get worse because the illness that you have in peri-menopause,...
3/8/2009 5:40:39 PM
About a year ago, I went to a medical conference in Chicago. During a break, a group of us started a discussion about how much the personality of each of our mothers had changed since starting treatment for menopause. Each doctor shared in a different way how nice it was to have their mother's personality back. Some said their mothers didn't notice a difference but they did! Some said their mothers...
1/28/2009 6:37:36 AM
When Oprah started advertising her show on menopause my phone started ringing and my email started filling up. The reason was twofold. First, it was good to hear that Oprah would be talking about such an important topic and many people wanted to let me know about the show. Second, it was to ask if I would be part of the show because the title of my newsletters, "Let's start the conversation," was being...
1/17/2009 10:46:36 PM
I cannot respect a researcher that forces women to endure the bleak existence of profound hypogonadism unnecessarily. A recent article on titled: Study firmly ties hormone use to breast cancer describes how hormone use is unhealthy and increases a woman's risk of breast cancer. Do all hormone regimens really lead to increased breast cancer? Of course not. This was my online response to such...
12/15/2008 9:44:39 PM
I recently received a phone call and the woman on the other end, who is also a medical doctor, was very distraught. She had just lied to her doctor so she could receive treatment for menopause. She knew it was wrong to lie because she hates it when patients lie to her, but she felt she had no other choice. I've known her for some time. When we first met she was skeptical and she questioned my motives...
12/9/2008 10:09:04 PM
We know what causes menopause and we know that menopause results in multiple hormonal deficiencies because the ovaries make multiple hormones. Lose the ovaries and you lose the hormones. We also know that replacing only estrogen leads to all kinds of problems and is not a good idea. We know that only replacing estrogen and progesterone is also not a good long term solution and also leads to health...
11/9/2008 9:19:38 PM
Like many of you, when I was pre-menopausal I thought sex after menopause would be a little less intense but something that wouldn't bother me. My doctor never said anything and I never heard ladies talking about how bad sex was after menopause, so I really wasn't concerned. I had heard women say, "I am done with that" but I really didn't know what they meant. After all, why would anyone give up sex...
11/4/2008 12:01:14 PM
Dry eye syndrome is absolutely awful. What's more, it is preventable when it is a result of untreated profound hypogonadism (menopause). Your doctor may tell you that it is not curable but that is because the studies on HRT have shown that it is made worse by taking post-menopausal hormones. Dry eye is made worse because the hormones that were used in these studies are nothing like the hormones that...
10/14/2008 9:59:20 AM