Posts by Judith Finlayson

Recent news on the projected lifespans of younger Americans isn’t good. A 2021 study suggests that if present trends continue they will be the first generation to live shorter lives than their parents. Researchers found that the health of people born between 1964 and 1989 (Generations X and Y) has been declining.Compared to their parents and grandparents younger people had higher rates of anxiety and...
9/9/2023 4:00:00 AM
Whether you are male or female, young or old, it’s wise to keep tabs on the health of your bones. About half of all adults age 50 or older suffer from osteoporosis (weak bones) or its precursor, osteopenia (low bone density). These days another worrisome trend is emerging: More and more young people are developing osteoporosis. Unhealthy Lifestyle Foreshadows OsteoporosisYoung adults develop osteoporosis...
1/25/2023 5:00:00 AM
These days it’s difficult to avoid the topic of microbes and their relationship to your health. The thriving universe of bacteria that lives on and inside your body (your microbiome) includes good actors as well as pathogens. Both are constantly flexing their muscles, influencing bodily functions like metabolism and mood. For instance, gut bacteria pull the strings on emotional health by producing...
11/14/2022 12:31:58 AM
We all know people who follow calorie-restricted diets without losing weight or others who always have room for dessert but never gain an ounce. When scientists finished mapping the human genome, many felt that genes held the answers to this conundrum. Researchers identified the first gene variant linked with obesity in 1997; subsequently they discovered more than 50 additional variants impacting weight.Unsurprisingly,...
9/30/2022 8:08:03 PM
The heartrending death of country music star Naomi Judd, following a long struggle with depression, was a tragedy on many fronts. The legendary singer was brutally honest about her painful childhood and the hard knocks she experienced as a young single mother. No one really knows what provoked her final act of desperation, but she was a survivor of both childhood sexual abuse and violent rape as a...
8/17/2022 5:44:24 PM
If you’re interested in physical fitness, you’ve probably heard about amino acids. These nutrients are the building blocks of protein which helps to make your muscles strong. But amino acids are heavy lifters in many other parts of your body. They bolster your immune system and help to keep your digestion humming, among other benefits. There are 20 different types of amino acids, all of which sustain...
7/22/2022 4:00:00 AM
For some reason it’s a flashbulb memory: In 2008, referring to a component of whole grains that encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, I used the word “prebiotic.” My editor wasn’t familiar with the term, and she queried whether I meant “probiotic.” Probiotics are friendly bacteria like the lactobacilli provided by yogurt, which were then gaining traction as healthful substances. How times...
5/24/2022 11:48:04 PM
It’s been a longstanding trend: we expect to live longer lives than our parents. But now the tide is turning. Recent research suggests that if present trends continue young Americans (those born between 1964 and 1989) will die earlier than their nearest and dearest ancestors.As a group our young people are in poor physical health. One study identified an increased incidence of chronic inflammation...
4/14/2022 10:39:39 PM
You’ve been working out regularly and meeting your daily goal of X-thousand steps for years, yet somehow you’re not as fit as you used to be. Be aware that you are not alone. You need to know that unless you are in your twenties or younger your muscles are waning.Simply stated, you are getting older. While aging takes a toll on your body in general, it is especially unkind to your muscles. Muscles...
3/20/2022 3:18:28 AM
My mother wasn’t an expert on nutrition, but she was often spot-on. For instance, her commitment to eating salad. As she saw it, raw vegetables provide “roughage,” which helps to keep you regular. Today, this component of plant foods is commonly called insoluble fiber and my mother was right: It bulks up stools, preventing constipation and other digestive problems. While on the mark for her time, my...
2/11/2022 1:42:30 AM