We all have a story, a narrative that we carry, highlighting the events that got us to this very moment. Our stories have different chapters, some exciting, some painful, and others we’d rather not share. We hide from the truth of who we are out of fear. For good reason, our world can be a judgy place. Naturally, out of protection, we wear a mask that says, “I’m good” or “I’m fine.”I often question...
12/9/2022 5:00:00 AM
To go against an established authority; rebellion defined, signals defiance and recklessness. The natural response to chaos is to create compliance, therefore restoring order. There’s an underlying message here; if we follow the rules and act accordingly, we will find peace. This concept of following, I dare say, is a trap. Peace is embodied when we boldly remove a narrowed lens and observe rebellion...
9/30/2022 8:08:07 PM
Life can be hectic, a whirlwind of responsibilities that screams overwhelm. The anecdote, stillness, a semblance of quiet to disengage from reality, and recharge a lingering fatigue. While we inherently know that overwhelm isn’t good, how often do we take time for ourselves? We can be reckless with our health, neglecting the voice that shouts, “slow down.” Even with the bombardment of resources on...
9/10/2022 5:10:24 PM