Bringing reverent balance to all your parts, requires mom’s to respect their shadow aspects and to love them into the light. Mom’s have a tendency to sacrifice, to hide, to abandon their own needs and dreams, as they are busy caring for everyone else. Over time, shadow aspects of our personality can rear their heads in all kinds of different ways. These buzz killers can show up as self-doubt, criticism,...
June 04
When I think back on how miserable I was in my job, it’s so interesting to look at it from where I sit now. When I was in it, it was easy to blame the situation, circumstance, people, dynamic, everything for the discontent and dissatisfaction I was feeling. Blame, being the operative word here. Really, the truth is, the conditions were fine. The circumstances were fine. The dynamics were normal. The...
March 30
From the soul’s perspective all of us enter this experience of life with a “lesson plan”. Each lesson plan is unique to the individual and each of us are born with the inherent inner gifts, abilities, traits, talents and qualities that support us along life’s journey in learning those lessons.For example, perhaps one of your lessons is about speaking up. It’s about having the courage to voice your...
March 10
In this age of social media, pressure to perform and a plethora of environments that ask and portray massive expectations around who to be, how to be and what to be is resulting in a lot of people trying to be something they’re not.When we buy into the security of the tribe, we are promised things like happiness, acceptance respect and success, but there is often a cost of “doing what they say.”There...
January 20