Twelve years ago, I underwent a series of NAET treatments, a specialized form of acupuncture that helps the brain to stop identifying harmless substances as allergens. I was extremely skeptical, but desperate, as nothing was working to stem my increasingly worsening asthma, hay fever, and eczema. After clearing twenty allergens, half of them food, half of them environmental, my asthma and eczema are gone, and my hay fever symptoms about a quarter of what they once were. This technique has an extremely effective track record and has been in use now for over thirty years. I eat whatever I want with no reaction now. This clearing offers permanent, lifelong results. It's amazing to me how few people know about it, but of course, people like that bozo at Quackwatch are all over it, wanting to shut it down. I know several people to whom I recommended NAET, and only one did not have positive results. It is not that expensive (especially when compared to other approaches or not doing anything and having to suffer the results of regularly eating food to which you're allergic), and it is life-changing. If you have a good practitioner (and they vary in quality), it is most certainly worth a try. I lost five pounds after my treatments, as well as my craving for sugar. I wouldn't ask your regular doctor about it, because he or she most likely will either know nothing about it, or they will pooh-pooh it (although there are some MDs and DOs who practice it). But you can find more information and a practitioner at the NAET website.
Posted by Celeste White
Some 30 years ago, I went on diet of Tea and Rice for a week and then added 1 food per week. Found several things like store bought yeast breads and milk/cheese products combined caused migraines. Local HMO Allergist had no such plan and I passed all arm prick tests, so nothing wrong with me. I believe I have developed other problems since then, but Allergist have no idea, and can't help. I can't remember plan enough to do it now, and can't find that old paperwork
Posted by Jane
I'm so glad I just stumbled upon this article. About 10 years ago my face swelled up horribly. The doctor I went to gave me an antibiotic and it finally went away... A few years later it happened again... And now again! Only this time (after my face swelled up) rashes started to appear on my face and neck! After numerous doctor and dermatogist visits they told me I had some sort of eczema! This was almost 10 months ago and it was a living hell! I stared to completely stop using cleansers, creams and started paying attention to the food I was eating. I can not tell you the extent of what a horrible experience this has been for me (while trying to go to work... By hiding and taking time off for dr visits). I do believe that food allergies can cause havoc to your body.... I have started to improve' after all the cortisones (topically and Rx) and Prednisome (which I will never take again!) but I don't want this to continue to happen. I'm listening to my body and trying to treat it 'right' by finding out the root of the problem. I have an appointment at National Jewish Hospital in about 4 weeks where they deal with allergies and the immune system. They are rated one of the best in the country and are in Denver. The hardest part is finding the cause, but I won't give up. Like some of you have stated here, you just never know what causes your body to react. All I know is that my skin has become hypersensitive and I want to find out why. All the best to all of you.
Posted by Lynn
I believe in this, we need to watch what we eat. I believe their are food allergies that people have that don't even know it, It's subtle and quite but its there.
My wife found out she is allergic to dairy, and since she stopped eating it she felt 100% better, she then eliminated meat, so now she's vegan, and feels even better than before. I believe all of american's need to make this change. The fact that were obese is a different story.
Great article!
Posted by Ryan Loeffler
I never thought I had a food allergy until I gave up grains and sugars for other reasons. 20 years of chronic psoriasis in and around my ears disappeared in 8 days. I highly encourage everyone to get tested.
Posted by Rob Greenstein
Food allergies can sometimes be a problem but let's be honest: the real problem today is the fact that more than 80% of Americans are fat or obese. The modern diet is junk, rich in calories but devoid of even basic nutrients, which is why deficiency diseases like rickets and scurvy are reappearing in parts of the USA. We need to focus on the fundamentals before becoming overly concerned about much smaller issues.
Posted by Allan