Vaccinate! Because we said so!

Anti-Vaccination this year seems to get a lot of media coverage. People fighting for getting a vaccine and against it.

There are some questions that I really don't understand about this. Like:

Why would a vaccinated person care that someone else doesn't do a vaccine?

That's a hard one, really. If you are vaccinated why would you care if someone else didn't take a vaccine? Why? You are vaccinated this means you have the vaccine inside your body to fight against a disease - while the ones that do not have it will get infected. So why fighting against. Sounds more like "Monkey see, Monkey must do!" to me. It's a choice.

Why some pediatricians refuse to give service if children are not getting a vaccine?

Very strange to me why pediatricians chose to do this. You have to heal people, if you are a doctor - not judge them or stop providing services to them if someone doesn't do as you say. We make choices. Some people do extreme sports with a high probability to die - Doctors should stop providing them services as well? Some people do unsafe sex - even with all the media coverage to use a condom, but still people do it, get HIV and the life goes on - why not stop providing HIV patients services as well?

Isn't not taking vaccines the same choice? People choose for themselves, for their children anyway they want.

Doctors don't take it to close to your heart

Even if people don't take vaccines, this doesn't mean that what you know, your service, or something else doesn't mean anything to the society. We will still come to visit your offices. We will still come to you for an advice, as we go to lawyers and everyone else. It's a choice.

By the way..

I got my first son 3 vaccines already. I am not against vaccines but I really don't understand why so much attention to people who don't want to take them or vaccinate their children.

2/6/2015 10:00:00 PM
Pavel Lipcean
Written by Pavel Lipcean
Passionate for writing about health, mind and spirit. I love to research a lot about health, what causes diseases, how to treat them and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle in general. Also love good organic food. I practice boxing in my free time and running.
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"You are vaccinated this means you have the vaccine inside your body to fight against a disease - while the ones that do not have it will get infected."

Some people do not develop the immunity even with the vaccine. Others can't receive vaccines due to age (e.g. MMR isn't given to kids until age 1) or some sort of immune system disease/weakness.

Vaccines work thanks to statistics and a high concentration of potentially-immune recipients (a la herd immunity). If enough people opt-out, then the whole system breaks down, and we have an outbreak.
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