I'm wondering about gluten. Since agriculture was THE BIG step of civilization, since a reliable source of protein was found in the grasses of emmer, einkorn, barley, rye, and the hybrid of emmer/einkorn called "wheat" the protein that made bread "rise" was gluten. Anyone who couldn't digest gluten was called "dead" as it was the MAIN protein people had. As for myself, the descendant of northern Europeans, my skin is white. Or red. There is no tan. So, sunscreen, hats, and limited sun have left me without any wrinkles yet, at 71. I have to show my ID to get senior discounts that start at 55. So far, so good.
Posted by Oregon Nancy
I too try and eat as much of organic as possible. Especially fruit and veggies that have no peel. If they have peel and arent organic or GMO I scape it down the drain for I dont think bug poison does my body good, nor do steroids. I really enjoy reading wisdom and wisdom is priceless and better than mere gold. Ive tried gluten free products and for some reason I get bloated...I have been afraid to try then again, wonder what the deal is?
Posted by Kelly
"Go organic?" Why? There is just as much nutrition in so-called non-organic fruits and vegetables, so why eat organic ones? This is a myth. Just tell people to eat real food, not the processed mish-mash stuff you find everywhere. And make sure it's balanced. Don't eat so much bread and never white bread including pasta and crackers. Stay away from refined sugar; don't eat desserts. Just relish good normal food found in our grocery stores in abundance.
Posted by rand1949er
Thank you Janet. Great info!
Posted by Greg
And get more sleep! I recently turned 50. I have discovered that the days of staying up real late and then waking up at 6am to get a 7-year old and a 5-year old ready for school are behind me. My days are so much better when I'm asleep by 11pm. If I go to sleep even one hour later my next morning is very rough.
Great article!
Posted by Bryan Moore
Im only 25 but i honestly could use pretty much all the advice this article is giving. I have actually been trying to eat healthier by having a juice in the morning, and by juice i mean like using a juicer, with lemons, ginger, beets, oranges, apples, and kale. And its actually pretty damn good. But i could definitely do A LOT more exercise.
Posted by Ryan Loeffler
Ill pass this on to my parents, i think they could use it. :)
Posted by george
Thanks for the post Janet. I'm a month shy of the big 5-0 and feel better than I did when I was 40. These simple reminders are something anyone can and should do. Now that reminds me to call my dentist for my overdue check up :)
Posted by Rob Greenstein