Do you want to help your body burn calories more efficiently all day long? Yes, you can boost your routine and be even more productive starting today. Here are 5 habits that can improve your morning and your body, and help you burn at least an extra 310 calories every day!
Although you may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you might not realize just how important this meal really is. When you miss breakfast you are missing an opportunity to fire up your metabolism. According to Rush University Medical Center, breakfast stimulates your metabolism. This can give you a boost that helps you burn calories all day long and actually lowers your BMI. The best breakfast to launch your metabolism is one that is high in healthy protein, such as a hard-boiled egg. If you eat Greek yogurt please make sure your yogurt isn't loaded with sugar.
Building muscle mass is a great way to start your day. People that have a higher percentage of muscle mass tend to have a higher metabolic rate, as muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat. Research has also found that strength training in the early morning helps to increase muscle mass. So, if you want to amp up your routine grab your weights early in the morning and throw your body into muscle-building mode. According to Harvard Health Publications, a 30-minute weight training session for a 125-pound person can burn about 90 calories.
Practicing yoga on a regular basis has been found to be great for a number of reasons. It helps decrease pain, improve mental clarity and reduce stress. And now the latest research indicates that practicing yoga in the morning is even better as it actually leads to greater metabolic efficiency. Yoga is shown to make the body’s metabolic processes better at burning calories. If you weigh 125 pounds you'll burn about 120 calories (if you weigh 185 pounds it’s about 178 calories) in a 30-minute yoga session, according to the same Harvard Health Publications article. So try that early morning energizing yoga class and shed those excess calories.
Green tea has been found to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, helping you burn up to 100 extra calories a day while going about your normal routine. You can still get your morning lift when you switch out your coffee for tea while getting an added health benefit.
According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, water can increase your metabolism by up to 30%. While it helps men burn lipids for energy more efficiently, it assists women in using carbs for energy. Drinking water is thought to stimulate your nervous system and use up those calories more easily. Staying hydrated is an easy way to keep your metabolism roaring throughout the day.