Developed by Taya Countryman, LMP, SRT is a gentle, advanced massage technique that stops involuntary muscle contraction, instantly increases range of motion and dramatically decreases pain the first treatment.
SRT releases involuntary muscle contraction by reprogramming the jammed neurological signals of the muscles to and from the brain. SRT also incorporates the principles of Muscle Energy Techniques and fascia release.
SRT is not something "new", but rather a melding of many techniques along with years of experience into an easy, efficient, and effective protocol to help clients quickly decrease their pain.
The basic principles is to asses the tissue, gently find the SRT tender point, position the body to selmaina the tender point and hold the position for 90 to 120 seconds adn return the body to neutral, then reasses the tissue
Specialized and customized treatment to help you restore function, return to activities, and reduce pain caused by injuries, work, sports and everyday life. Stress Relief, Relaxation, Rejuvenation, Rehabilitation, (SRT) Structural Relief Therapy.
Over 10 years professional experience and education.
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