Relax and be revived with a therapeutic massage from Advanced Massage Therapy. Your massage will be designed specifically for you to maximize therapeutic benefits. Advanced Massage uses an integrated approach, drawing upon Acupressure, Swedish massage, Deep Tissue,myofascial, Cranial Sacral, Polarity Therapy and Reiki, depending on the specific needs of clients. Simultaneously relaxing and healing, your massage can improve circulation, and provide a greater sense of well being.
Years In Practice20
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
CertificationCommonwealth of Massachusetts Massage Therapy License, National Certification for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, Certified Massage Therapist,with both the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals and American Polarity Therapy Association.
One thing I noticed about their office was how absolutely fantastic it smelled. They must clean or sanitize all the time. They were extremely careful to always keep me covered and comfortable during my massage. They are always very respectful, and I've never felt exposed during my massage. They are completely committed to helping me as long as it takes to find the best solution. I never have to worry that they'll back out or give up if a solution isn't reached immediately, which has been a problem for me at other places. They made the extra effort to make sure every question and concern I had was addressed. They were absolutely amazing and make others in the same field look like beginners.